Finish Him

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"Remember, the power of "belief" is the only thing you need in order to dodge attacks. If you lose faith at any point, you will die."

Knightwolf gave Chan a pat on the back as he walks to the courtyard. Chan surveyed the area. He saw Knightwolf chatting with Raiden. Rain is teasing Tanya about something personal. Kitana and Jade are talking to Shang Tsung in private. Scorpion was staying to himself, possibly contemplating what happened in his previous match. However, there was one person who was missing from the pack.


"Hornbuckle!" He heard a voice call him. He thought it was Frost, but it was Knightwolf. "Good luck," she said. Chan nodded. He knew she did that so that he could clear his mind.

"For the next match: Hornbuckle vs Scorpion!" Everyone cheered for both sides. After four powerful matches, they were ready for the big clash of fighters.

"Your revenge is over. Subzero is dead. Tesla was killed by Knightwolf. Why are you still in this tournament?" Chan asked.

"You are part of the Shaolin monks. Years ago, a large group of them mortally wounded me when I was getting the Map for Quan Chi years ago. Because of them, I became powerless to Bi Han's power. You've also shown loyalty towards the Lin Kuei, though they are your enemy. Therefore, you are my enemy," Scorpion explained. They look into each other's eyes preparing for the match to start. Chan creates a small fireball in his hand while Scorpion creates one in his.

"As we are at the Semi-Finals, you both only have 1 round to win," Shang Tsung announced. Both agreed. "Final Round...FIGHT!"

Both Scorpion and Chan toss their fireballs towards each other. Chan easily dodges the fireball. Scorpion grabs Chan's fireball, enhances it, and tosses it back at him. Chan quickly guarded himself as he was struck by the fireball. Though he absorbs most of the fire, his arms still get severely burned. Scorpion teleports behind Chan and punches him in the head, knocking him to the ground. Scorpion creates another fireball in his hand and prepares to fire it upon Chan.

"Take this!" Chan fires a powerful solar flare against Scorpion, knocking him back. Chan's arms began to slowly heal. Everyone was amazed, including Shang Tsung.

"What kind of attack was that?" Scorpion asked.

"It's the power of yin. Hornbuckle's special power of light. It's only the most powerful skill of a Shaolin Monk and it can only be used by the Champions of Earthrealm. The Great Kung Lao was the first person to actually use both Yin and Yang, but he was not the one to master it," Knightwolf explained. "This is the result of my training."

"Since when...?" Chan remembers when he was first killed by Tesla; he gained the tattoo of Yang on his right arm. However, after being killed by Knightwolf, he gained the tattoo of Yin on his left arm. She even alluded to it when she patted on Chan's back.

"Now, show him what you got," Knightwolf stated. Chan nodded and turned his attention to Scorpion who was directly in his face. Chan attempted to punch Scorpion, but he was countered. Scorpion used an uppercut to Chan, causing him to rise a few feet in the air. Chan attempts to recover using another Solar Flare, but he proves to be unsuccessful as Scorpion appears above him and slams his fist onto Chan's spine, knocking him to the ground below. Scorpion then proceeds to drop on Chan's spine, causing him great pain.

"Where's your power now, shaolin?" Scorpion mocked. He pulls out his sword and attempts to stab Chan, but he is distracted by a flash of light. Johnny Cage takes a selfie using his digital camera, but he forgot to turn off the flash. Chan uses the opportunity to trip Scorpion using his back and he fires a solar flare to Scorpion's head, setting it ablaze.

"Nice!" Knightwolf yells out. Kitana tosses a fan at Johnny's camera and shatters it. Johnny Cage breaks down in disbelief.

"No! That camera costed me $1500! It's the 8K HD edition!" Johnny Cage whimpered.

"Be glad I missed your head," Kitana commented.

Chan moves away from Scorpion as he knows the battle is not over. Scorpion looks up at Chan. His face mask was gone, as was his skin and meat. Chan got a flashback of Scorpion's battle with Subzero where he was breathing fire onto him. Scorpion attempts to do the same with Chan, but Chan keeps his distance. They play a game of cat and mouse as Chan uses his Solar Flares to keep Scorpion away. One thing that Chan forgets to calculate is the fact that Scorpion can teleport. As Scorpion appears behind Chan, he prepares to breathe fire against Chan. However, he punches Chan instead, causing him to stumble a bit. Scorpion puts his spare skin on his head as he teleports in front of Chan.

"You won't win...Scorpion," Chan stated.

Scorpion creates a portal behind Chan and kicks him through the portal. As Chan falls on his back, he opens his eyes and realizes that he is in the NetherRealm. To his left, he spots a headless burnt corpse. It was the corpse of Subzero.

"This's horrible," Chan said to himself. He then began to have mind flashes of his nightmares.

"Take a step in my shoes kid. At least you still have your head." The headless corpse of Bi Han stated. Chan was terrified by what he saw. Suddenly, he sees another hallucination of a dark ninja preparing to slash him dead. He comes to reality and realizes that he is about to be killed by Scorpion.

"This is the end for you, Shaolin!" Scorpion slams his sword into Chans skull, ultimately defeating him. The Match was over.

End of Chapter 12?

Suddenly Chans eyes open. He sees one of his friends reaching a helping hand to him. It was Kira. Behind her was Kobra who looked slightly furious.

"It's ok, Chan," Kira says. "It's all over now." Chan looks confused. Kira grabs his arm and pulls him onto his feet violently. "Get a grip and snap out of it you imbecil!" Kira shouted. In reality, it was not Kira yelling at him. Chan was still in the NetherRealm. Scorpion was furious as Kitana had interrupted his attack with her bladed fan. She used her free hand to pull Chan to his feet.

"Princess? What are you doing here?" Chan asked.

"Oh me? I'm just trying to enjoy the countless dead bodies and the 200-degree weather. WHY ELSE WOULD I WANT TO BE HERE IDIOT?!" Kitana yelled.

"The match was just about to end! Why would you stop us at the last second?!" Scorpion asked angrily.

"Shang Tsung has announced that the tournament enters a two-hour hiatus. You should've killed him earlier if you didn't want this to happen. We have more important business to address right now," Kitana explained.

"What kind of Business?" Chan asked.

"A lot of people who were on this island are missing. We're talking about 65%."

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