Take a Step in My Shoes

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Chan was slightly relieved by Kitana's presence, but he was greatly disturbed by the news she just told him. He thought about whether the disappearances have any relation to his missing friends.

"I will not be forced to wait for him to recover!" Scorpion shouted. He hops over Kitana and appears behind Chan. He raises his blade once more attempting to kill him, but Kitana performs a pretty kick to knock Scorpion on his back. Scorpion raises his head, but he suddenly stops as he spots a group of Shadow Priest point their hands towards Scorpion.

"You fool. Did you really believe you could outsmart the Daughter of Shao Kahn? I could have you dead for that," she remarked.

"Why would you protect the Earthrealmer?" Scorpion asked.

"I told you, Shang Tsung has put a hiatus on the tournament. In other words, this match is on hold and if anyone kills Hornbuckle outside of a match without his consent, Outworld will lose by default...permanently."

"Haven't you been attempting to force his hand?"

"Indeed, I was. And both times, he almost consented. I refuse to let a dead Earthrealmer take credit for anything that I work hard for," she responded. "Now, begone hell spawn!" The Shadow priests perform a spell which teleports Scorpion away from Kitana and Chan. The two of them are teleported to the pit at Shang Tsung's Island.

"Now that that's out of the way..." Kitana closes her fans and stares at Chan.

"Tell me everything!" Chan blurted out.

"No longer nervous I see. What question shall I answer first?" Kitana asked. Chan wasted no time.

"Why are you following me? Why do you hate me so much? What happen to Edenia when they lost against Outworld? Where is everyone? Where is Raiden? Why did Outworld use a time-altering spell? Do you know the effects of this? What is Anomaly trying to accomplish? How will we avoid Armageddon now that the spell is permanent? What should we do?" Kitana closed her eyes and rubbed her forehead. She opened her fan and covered her face up to her nose. Chan understood that he may have asked for too much at once. "Sorry about..."

"I follow you because I'm assigned to as you're the champion of Earthrealm. I don't hate you; you're going to be my brother-in-law one day. When Edenia merged with Outworld, they adjusted to Outworld's ways pretty quickly. I haven't kept tabs on EVERYONE. Raiden is here. We were trying to cheat, of course. I know the effects, but I can't speak for my father. Anomaly wants to save the Realms by starting over. We avoid it by preventing it. For now, we will continue the Tournament." Kitana answered each question quickly and clearly.

"I...that's all?" Chan asked. He was surprised by how quick and thorough Kitana's response was to his questions.

"Is there anything else you wanted to know?"

"Tell me about The Brotherhood of Shadow. Why are they recruiting living people? Also, are they responsible for these disappearances?" he asked. Kitana closed her fan.

"I don't follow Quan Chi around like a lap dog. That's not my job or duty as a princess. The NetherRealm has never been of concern to me...except..." Kitana looked to the ground. She seemed frightened.

"Except for what?" Chan asked. Kitana clutched her fan tightly.

"I've been having nightmares ever since the day I came into contact with my sister."

"You have a sister?"

"No one knows that we've been consorting with each other...but yes...sort of."

"Sort of?"

"Are you a parrot, Earthrealmer? Yes, sort of. She is a clone created by Shang Tsung's magic. She has dozens of clones, they're mostly failed experiments. My sister was never supposed to be revealed to me. She was supposed to be my replacement if I failed my father. For some reason, I've had nightmares about my future. Or more like my alternate future. I was a queen, but I ruled the NetherRealm not Outworld." Kitana explained.

"Did you see why?"

"I don't know. I thought you would. You've been having the nightmares too, right? Were you killed by Quan Chi as well?" Kitana asked.

"It was Shinnok, Quan Chi, and Jataaka."

"Shinnok was nowhere to be found in my dream. Neither was Jataaka."

"Were there any signs of something strange?" Chan asked.

"None at all. Quan Chi looked the exact same. The vest, amulet, and all."

"Amulet?" Chan asked. "Quan Chi didn't wear an amulet. Shinnok had it."

"Quan Chi wore it on his waste. He possessed its powers well."

"The Only way he could do that is if Shinnok were alive."

"Maybe Shinnok was awakened at that time. Or maybe my dream occurs in a time period before yours."

"Knightwolf mentioned herself being the only survivor of Armageddon, suggesting that Quan Chi died. So, is it him who summons Anomaly?" Chan asked.

"Shinnok's Amulet is extremely powerful. Who knows what its limits are? All I know is that we will eventually have to deal with him soon." Kitana kisses Chan on the cheek. "Regardless of what the outcome becomes for Earthrealm, just know that we're still friends." Kitana then escapes the area. Chan doesn't even have the chance to tell her anything else.

"She still didn't answer if these are connected to the disappearances," Chan whispered to himself. He folded his arms in disappointment.

*One Hour Later*

Chan begins resting near the entrance of the courtyard as his mind begins racing. He attempts to reflect on everything Kitana discussed with him earlier. He may have finally found his missing friends.

"Looks like this tournament will be moving on faster than before," Knightwolf stated. She was preparing to walk to the courtyard. Chan forgot that the last four participants left are him, Scorpion, Knightwolf, and Frost.

"Wait, they're going to start your match and put mine on hold?" Chan asked.

"Yes and no," Knightwolf stated. She then turned her attention from Chan and continued towards the arena.

"What do you mean yes and no?" Chan asked. Knightwolf was out of his sight. He returned his attention to the other side and was surprised by the presence of Frost, who was also heading for the courtyard. She had a furious look on her face. Her pale skin became warmer. The cold frost that kept her hair white and cold began to thaw out. Her hair was becoming brownish.

"What happened to you?" Chan asked. Frost simply glanced in his direction and continued to move forward. "Just going to keep me in the dark like last time, right?" Chan asked. Frost tossed back a small snowball at Chan and faded out of sight. Chan wiped the snow off his face and looked onto the distance in disappointment.

*Back at the Courtyard*

Chan performs his tai chi exercises. Scorpion reappears from the ashes. Chan opens his eyes and realizes just how empty the courtyard was. Raskal, Jax, Jade, the Lin Kuei, the Tarkatans, and even the monks are gone. In the area of the courtyard beside Chan and Scorpion were Frost and Knightwolf. Frost continuously tossed her pendent in the air. At the same time, she was staring furiously at Chan. Knightwolf was meditating and glowing. It seemed like she was talking to the spirits.

"Welcome back to the semi-finals. We will be resuming the previous match, but in addition, we will have a second fight between Frost and Knightwolf," Shang Tsung stated. The lack of cheers in the area was a scary thought for Chan.

"Do not lose," Knightwolf stated. Chan stares at her. "If we are going to do like we promised each other, then you have to make sure you don't lose."

"Can I suggest that you do the same?" Chan asks reluctantly. Knightwolf smiles as she pulls out her hunting knife. She playfully tosses the night in the air.

"I believe an immortal witch, a time-altering sorceress, and a fallen Elder Lord are on my resume," she responded. "I promise that I won't lose." Chan smiles. Suddenly, he spots Frost dropping the pendent on the ground. She then proceeds to crush the pendent with her foot as she makes a devilish grin towards Chan. He was slightly irritated by her attitude, but he didn't let it get in his way of winning.

"Sudden Death...FIGHT!"

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