Chapter 3

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sorry about the loong update, my wattpad had a spasm here's part 3 please vote^.^

I got a cab to the theatre were I was o

meeting the band. I hadn't had enough time to freshen up so I did my makeup in the car, a little bit of mascara, flick of eyeliner and lipgloss.

I payed the driver $5 and headed inside.

It was a huge hall with a reception and some doors, I headed over to sign in.

'Hi I'm Ocean Summers here to see-'

'Ahhh Ms Summers, here to see 30 seconds to mars I believe? You'll find the door to the left on the 3rd floor.'

The small female receptionist interrupted me.

'Thanks.' I reply and head towards the lift.

I reached my floor and looked for signs, to my luck a door saying '30 seconds to mars dressing room' gave it away.

I took a deep breath and knocked.

A man with black hair and stubble opened the door. It was Tomo.

'Ahhh so you're Ocean right?' He'd obviously been laughing I could hear him giggle slightly.

'Yeah that's me, nice to meet you Mr Milicevic.' I held out my hand for him to shake.

'psshh call me Tomo, please come in! Oi Shan, Jay come say hey, our 9 oclocks here!'

I walked into the large dressing room, it smelt like colone and well man. Shannon was next to great me. He tottaly just checked me out, that's what I get for wearing shorts and a tight top.

'Well hello Ocean!' Shannon gave me a bear hug. Un called for but I didn't care.

'Hello, nice to meet you Mr Leto.'

'Stop with the Mr's this is us you're talking to.'. He laughed 'Jared will you stop looking in the mirror and come say hi!' He called to his brother.

I don't know what Bill was talking about, they made me feel really welcome.

Jared Appeared. My heart dropped as I met his blue eyes. He seemed relaxed til he saw me, his eyes softened and his body limped a bit, he obviously knew what he had done then brought himself up a little.

'Oh you're Ocean Summers, we understand you're here to interview us?' His voice made my heart skip. What the hell is wrong with you Ocean fucking pull yourself together.

'Yeah, I'm you're 9 oclock guys.' I tried to laugh.

Tomo had brought me a seat and I pulled out my little recording set and pressed record.

'So, tell me about the 'Yes this is a cult' idea, where did that come from.' I asked.

'Well it started off as a joke, some people before hand kept calling our family a cult because of all the dedication, now a lot of the echelon take it seriously.' Jared answered.

'You say 'family' you mean fans right?' I again asked.

Jared rolled his eyes and brushed his brow spiked hair.

'We hate the word fans, we wanna be close, connected even to our listeners, the echelon.' Shannon replied.

The interview went on, Jared stared at me hard through the whole thing. I felt uncomfortable.

After Shannon insisted I take a look at the equipment they had.

'Think Shannon has a crush on you Sunshine.' Tomo poked me, I laughed.

'Ocean, you're here to find out about us, start with me.' Shannon winked and I walked over towards him, I caught Jared staring at his brother, he gave his brother an evil stare. Shannon poked his tongue out. Jared returned his eyes at me then walked away typing on his BlackBerry.

'Here look!' Shannon played me a beat on his drums and gave me some tips, then handed me his drum sticks and made me play.

'Shannon I have no idea what I'm doing.'

'Its easy.' Shannon stood behind me holding my wrists guiding me into a rythem.

Jared appeared again, as if he'd been watching the whole time and snapped:

'Shannon, that's a bit un professional. Ocean is here to interview us, not a toy with'. He sounded jealous and sorta sad.

'Well that's all for today's drumming lesson.' Shannon sighed as he walked away.

'Ocean Leto.' Tomo waved his hands as he said it walking over to me.

'What?' I said.

'Come on Jared is all over you, you may not see it, he hides his feelings, we don't know why, he's a secretive man.' Tomo whispered. 'And Shannon, well, I dunno about him but I guess he has a little crush.'

'As much as anyone would wanna be with them, I'm here on belhalf of my job, I can't get in to deep with these guys.' I said, I sounded upset, shit.

'Well, you have many weeks with us, let's just see what happens.' Tomo sounded wise.

A few hours past and the boys gave me a idea on what their tour would be like I scribbled down some notes and by was 6pm.

'Well, this was good guys I got some decent stuff down today, I do have to go now, my boss said he'd ring me when and where to see you next, ill call a cab.'

'See you soon Summers!' Tomo waved.

'ill give you another drumming lesson next time.' Shannon smirked.

'Dont waste you're money ill give you a lift back.' The surprising quite Jared said.

'Well, sure if you insist, by guys!' I waved back at them again.

You have to find out in the next chapter what happens:P Pease vote thanks!

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