Chapter 4

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That one was a bit short, I kinda suck at writing these things bit hey Ho, please leave me a message and tell me what you think, I'd appreciate it a lot:)

Jared showed me the way out of the theatre to a black BMW. He held the door open for me to get in. I took in the sight first the waves lightly crashing into another in the moonlight, it was gorgeous I love the fact I could see this view in my room as well. Bill sure can pick them.

'Miss Summers.' Jared said.

'Sorry, the view is beautiful, got caught up.' I replied and got in.

Jared looked at me but he was far away in his mind. He got in and started the car driving slow. I gave him the directions, most of it was an awkward silence apart from the occasional small talk.

We reached the hotel and before Jared could open the door for me I got out.

'Miss Sum- I mean Ocean, would it be okay if we could talk before any of this goes any further?' He sounded strict but relaxed.

'Uhh yeah.' I didn't know what to make of it. 'But can we go inside I'm freezing out here.' He agreed so I lead him up to my room.

He took it all in walking around checking it out here and there. 'Nice.' he said to himself.

'Please take a seat, want a drink or?' I pointed to the sofa as I asked.

'No thanks,' He said as he sat down. 'Look Ocean I just wanna give you a heads up.'

His hard eyes dug into me, I got lost in his gase he looked at me differently then he had the whole night. 'ok.' I said.

'I don't want anything to happen within this time, Shannons a flirt, just watch out, Tomos married so you won't have a problem, and I...' He paused. 'I don't wana get into anything.. I can't get into anything..'

The fuck that come from.

'I wasn't planning for anything orr.. well I have a boyfriend at home.' I lied.

'Oh..' He looked hurt his eyes looked away from mine. He took a minute then brought himself up. 'I don't care I just want this to be business Ok?' He sounded mad now.

'Sure, well I haven't eaten and the boys are waiting for you, Mr Leto.' I held out my hand as he walked out the door.

'Summers.' he said plainly ignoring my hand.

---Jareds POV---

Fuck you man you ruin everything. The voice in my head pounded.

What am I doing for fuck sake. Something about Ocean made me un easy. Her eyes would hit me so beautifully, and her body was enchanting. And what's Shannon playing at? She has a boyfriend. She's taken. I felt myself sink a little it hurt me to think someone else had her.

I'm overreacting.

I drove to the hotel the other side of the city, where me, Shannon and Tomo were staying.

I knocked on Shannons door before calling it a night.

'Wondered how long youd be, play a little hurricane did you?' A topless Shannon leaned against the door, he smirked at me. God I hate the patronising tone of his.

'Fuck off Shannon, you know were doing this on behalf of business what was al that about back and the theatre earlier?'

'Its called letting loose, and having fun, something you're not doing lately, fun to you is bringing back a skinny blondie and playing chains all night.' Shannon walked on into his room.

'Dont you dare even start that, if She even-'

'You mean Ocean?' He interrupted.

I growled 'If Ocean is lead on this whole thing is ruined okay, besides she has a boyfriend. Don't start messing with her.'

Shannon picked up a bottle of coke and took a sip,

'Jared, its obvious you like her, don't start telling me not to have fun, I've seen how you look at her youve never looked that way at a girl before, so what she has a boyfriend, never stopped you when you were engaged to Diaz now did it? It may seem scary to have feelings for a women to you, but at least act human about it.' He was right. But I wasnt that bad. I just didn't want to get hurt not after last time. Even if I was the one cheating.

I stormed out and went into my room and took off my clothes leaving my boxers on. heading into bed. Thinking about the day. What the fuck just happened.

---Shannons POV---

He left the room in a hissy fit. He was such a douche sometimes, I could hear Tomo talking in the room next door:

'I love you to, can't wait to see you I miss you'

Probably talking to Mrs Milicevic.

I finished my bottle of coke and took a shower, I stood there thinking about the day, Ocean had a boyfriend... fuck.

I felt jealousy creep through me but I brushed it off. I stopped the water and headed for bed.

---Oceans POV---

What was that guys problem? I knew I was gonna have trouble with Jared, let's just try to keep it as un awkward as possible. Now I have to make up a story about a fake fucking boyfriend. good one you idiot.

My phone beeped and my screen flashed a text from Bill. He'd been sending me a lot of texts lately. Some were strange just asking how I am. What I'm doing. He was never interested in me.

'Hope youre first date with the guys went through okay, I've attached a callender of all you're dates you're meeting them, all the times and places you need....'

The text went on, I didn't have a meeting with them tomorrow so I went to bed wondering about what I would do tomorrow.

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