Chapter 14

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hey guys:) I haven't updated this in a while and I've realised the amount of grammer mistakes I've made, there will be about 3 or 4 more chapters til its finished then I was thinking of writing another one maybe about you me at six or fall out boy comments ans suggestions would be good:)

'What the fuck was that about?!' Jared yelled at me. I was lying against the wall staring at Bills unconscious body wondering how Jareds tiny fist knocked out such a big guy.

'Is he even your boyfriend?' Jared protested.

'He's..he's my boss.' I whispered shakily.

Jared threw his head back on the wall and ran his hands over his face and into his hair. He let out an agitated sigh and faced me.

'Care to explain or do I need to wake up from this?' Jared yelled while pointing at Bill.

'Bills my boss, the office manager where I work, he's the one who sent me out here to write about you guys, he's a creep, he's been hitting on me for years, I've caught him follow me home before, he stalks me.' I sat there dazed about the previous events.

Jared moved over to me and hugged me, followed by a kiss. The strangely peaceful moment was then followed by thumping footsteps and then a well dressed Shannon burst through the door.

'Okay I was on a date, well a night out and I needed-'

Shannon spotted Bill.

' I wanna know or?'

Jared chuckled to himself and took Shannon outside for a discussion.

It was about 11pm. Jared and Shannon had taken the unconscious Bill to the nearest police station, they explained the situation and they were flying him back to New York within a few days, where they wanted to interview me.

I packed my belongings from the hotel as my little holiday was up. I signed out of the hotel and headed for the airport.

~Jareds POV~

'So what know?' Shannon looked over to me with a goofy look on his face.

'Dude, if you don't know I don't know, by the way where the fuck is Tomo we've got out first tour date tomorrow night?'

'Ha that rymed.' Shannon smiled to himself. 'He's just texted me would you look at that!'

'Well what'd he say?'

'mmmm.. he wants us to meet him right now at the studio its about Ocean.'

As soon as I heard her name I took a sharp U turn and headed straight back for the studio.

so basically I'd really appreciate some ideas for a new Fan Fic as my grammer has imoroved xD and I really like writing them tbh.

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