Chapter 18

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~Tomos POV~

I knew something was wrong. Jared had just finished the song and Shannon slowly stopped playing the drums.

We all looked at Jared.

The crowd started to leave as the concert was over while us three remained on stage waiting for Jared.

'Bro, what the fuck are you doing?' Shannon said jokingly,  walked towards Jared getting up from his drums, grabbing his shoulders and shaking him.

And that's when he went and said it.

'I'm in love with Ocean.'

~Jareds POV~

I payed no attention to my surroundings. Man, I felt dizzy as shit.

I said what I was thinking and as the words left my mouth I darted backstage to find her.

'DUDE!' Tomo and Shannon called me at the same time, I didn't answer I had to find her.

I was frantically looking, asking people if they'd seen a girl with a blue dress, one of them saw her heading out back.

Central park was dark and cold at night, the miniature forest was ere as fuck and to make It better, it started pissing down. And that's when a figure walking towards the city caught my eyes, I made out the pale blue dress and arms wrapped around eachother, she was cold and soaked.

I ran, no, I fucking sprinted towards her, she must have heard as she turned around.

~Oceans POV~

My shoes were ruined just like this dress. Tonight was a disaster, I didn't even know What I wanted to get out of tonight. Well, I kinda did, I wanted Jared, he was too good for me, it was just another fling to him. I wrapped my arms around myself and began the long walk home.

But I heard heavy footsteps darting towards me, I turned around slowly to see a man wearing a black leather coat, tight black jeans and a white V neck t shirt. His hair was lightly jelled up, but began to fall because of the rain, his gental, beautiful eyes looked straight into mine. It was Jared.

'Jared what the fuck are you doing?!' I threw my arms to my side and shouted the words, this rain was so loud.

He coughed a smile and slowly walked towards me. 'You have no idea how lonely I have been these last few weeks.' He put his hands in his pockets and looked up at me innocently.

'And seeing you there at the concert, was the happiest moment of my life.'

'Jared I can't do this, I can't be Just a fling of yours, I-I want more than that!' I felt tears in my eyes, heck I felt stupid.

Jared came closer until he was a 1cm away from my face. He put his wet hands on my cheeks and kissed me. It was the most satisfying moment. It was bliss.

He pulled away and rested his head on mine and smiled. 'Well then, its a good thing I want more to.'

I smiled and pulled him in and kissed him again. 'I love you.'

He smiled and wrapped his arms around me and held me tight.

'Come on tour with us. Shannon and tomo would love to have you with us, you won't have to work in an office or live on your own anymore.'


It felt like a fairytale, those bullshit stories where the princess marries the prince, fuck that I was dating a rockstar.

And it was more then I could ever ask for.

The rain continued to pound down, with thunder and lightning for company, Jared and I ran back to the concert laughing.

'Shan! Tomo!' Jared called them. Shannon came out of the dressing rooms with a huge burger in his hands, Tomo followed him brushing his hair out of his eyes.

We didn't have to say anything, I think Jareds arm around my waist gave it away.

'Aww you fuckers.' Shannon hugged both of us, his huge biceps crushed us, he let go and took a huge chomp from his burger. Tomo high fived me and Jared.

We went to plan out the rest of the tour, Jared made me his personal assistant, which over the months mainly consisted of us fucking in the dressing rooms before the show. But still, I had Jared Leto. Jared Leto, the guy who would tell me he loved me every night before bed, the guy who introduced me to the echelon. And the guy I said yes to when he proposed with a Haribo ring.

Thank you so much for every single vote on my fan fiction it means so much, I want to write another one based on 30stm or ymas or fob etc if you have ideas let me know, also let me know what you thought about the fiction:)

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