Chapter 15

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~Tomos POV~

Why was it when Jared was needed he was always so late.

I heard some doors go and then J and Shan burst through.

'Whats wrong with Ocean? Is she okay?' Jareds face was as white as a ghost.

'She's texted me this:'

'Hey Tomo look I'm really sorry for this way of telling you guys but I'm heading back to NY. The last few weeks have been great believe me but I need to go home and get back to work. Thank you xxx'

Jared looked down at the floor, I can't remeber the last time I saw him this upset. Hell I can't remeber a time when Jared was upset.

Next thing I knew Jared was running out of the doors. I went to go after him, but Shannon stuck a huge arm in my way as if to say leave him be.

~Oceans POV~

I felt the most relaxed I that I've been in a while. I thought back to the night me and Jared spent together, the way he held me and the way we just spoke for hours. I smiled to myself and came back to reality. I can't be with him.

'Gooooooood afternoon ladies and gentlemen this Is your captain speaking, were about to take off so could you plesse follow the instructions the stewardesses are about to show you, have a nice journey and thank you for flying with us.'

I always thought how cheesy those announcements sound.

A few dragging hours past and I arrived in New York. It took me an hour or so to get home.

I walked in and stared at the mess. My mind went blank. I began tidying the wine bottles I hadn't cleaned a few weeks ago. My tiny apartment was a mess. I tidyed up and threw myself on my bed and fell asleep.

~Jareds POV~

I missed the plane.

I missed the fucking plane.

Why did she have to fucking go like this? Did anything mean anything to her?

Shannons car pulled up the side just as I was walking out of the airport.

'Look Jared, sometimes we just have to let things go.' Tomo said climbing out the car followed by a hug.

I climed into the car slugishly and and sighed

I need to let her go.

Faith. (A Jared Leto FanFic)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora