Chapter 12

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gonna be hard to remember all the details guys but yea, hope you enjoy xD

'What the fuck are you doing Bill?!' I cried as I tried to pull away from his clutch.

'Oh comon Ocean, I know you've wanted me ever since you came into the office, I want you to. Or did you not realise that?' He smirked.

I began to retrase all the signs over the years I worked there. The notes asking if I wanted to go for a coffee with him, the eye catching, the stares. And worst of all the time he followed me home.

Id left work late one night, Daisy had gone home and I had so much paper work left over. Bill insisted he drive me home but I'd always felt uncomfortable around him. I remember reaching the main door to the apartment building and putting in my pin for my room, then feeling the sence I weren't alone. I turned around looking for the answer to clear my head, taking in the beauty of the city at night as I did. I felt silly then went into the building. I looked outside one of the stair windows anxiously and there he was. Standing there looking at me from the ground floor up. I'd reckonise his face out of a croud. I ran up the stairs and then he had disappeared.

I dazed back.

'Your a deranged little man if you ever thought I was into you!' I screamed as I kicked his balls.

He fell to the floor, laughing.

'Well no matter what you think now, Mrs Summers you're mine.' He ran towards me from the floor and pushed me onto the bed.

'Get the fuck off me!' I screamed as I noticed he was trying to undress.

He was interrupted by a knock at the door. 

'Jared...' I whispered.

'JAR-' I was cut off by Bill's hand over my mouth.

'Jared huh? Who's that sweetheart? Tell him to go away or I will hurt you Ocean.'

He picked me up and dragged half of me towards to door. He told me to tell Jared to go away.

---Jareds POV---

Ocean opened the door ever so slightly enough for me to see her face.

'Ocean you left your phone at Shannons room again and I thought well, I'd bring it back even though- Ocean are you okay?!' I said with concern. Mascara was down her cheecks and her dress was half off, I couldn't see anything but I had the urge to hug her.

'Im fine, go away Jared.' she said with pain in her eyes.

something was badly, badly wrong. I whipped the tears from her eyes that had not quite fallen yet. She weakend.

---Oceans POV---

I embraced his touch like it was the last.

'Tell him to fuck off. Hurt him Ocean. Like you hurt me.' Bill whispered. Grabbing my ass painfully.

'Fuck off Jared.' I took the phone and slammed the door in his face.

'Good girl.' Bill said with a sick look on his horrid face.

Faith. (A Jared Leto FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now