Chapter 9

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Emma's POV

OUCH. My head was pounding. When I opened my eyes all I saw were really bright lights. I tried to sit up but I felt something in my arm pull. I looked down and saw there was an IV in my arm. I turned my head and saw two couches full of sleeping people; Niall's brother and his wife, his parents, Liam, Harry, Louis and Zayn. Then I saw El and Perrie in two chairs in the hallway. When I turned the other way I saw Niall sitting in a chair beside my bed with his head on the bed, asleep. I took my hand and ran it through his hair to wake him up.

"Baby! Are you okay? What do you need?" He sat straight up and moved his chair closer to me.

"Don't talk so loud. My head is killing me. What the hell happened?" My mouth was so dry. I took a sip of water.

"At the concert last night a girl punched you and when you fell you hit the back of your head on one of the chairs and got knocked out." He almost sounded apologetic.

I remembered all the horrible things the girl said to me before she hit me. She called me a whore and told me whoever was wasting their time with me must be blind. She asked me who I was screwing to get into the families section. I tried to ignore her, Perrie kept telling me that she was crazy. I remember excruciating pain and then that's it. Tears started to roll down my face. Niall looked so worried.

"Emma, please don't cry. Your breaking my heart. I'm so sorry this happened to you. What can I do to make you feel better?"

"Nothing Niall. I going to try and sleep, can you just tell everyone thanks for staying but I really just want to be alone so I can get some sleep." I was fighting back more tears.

"I can't leave you here. Not by yourself. Just let me stay, I'll tell everyone else to go back to the hotel." His voice was shaky.

"No Niall, I really need to be alone. But thanks." I just needed him to leave so I could cry. I closed my eyes and pretended to sleep.

He woke everyone up and told them I had asked to be alone. Everyone seemed really concerned about him, and me, but they all left.

As soon as I heard the door shut I broke down. This is what being with Niall was going to be like? Yeah, I may have loved him but being with him meant I was constantly going to be ridiculed. I would be harassed, called names, physically and emotional abused. I didn't know if I was strong enough to handle it all. I didn't feel like I was anything special and that I deserved a guy like Niall so I'm sure his fans would feel the same way. He deserved some gorgeous model or actress, not a plain girl like me. I heard my phone vibrating on the table next to me. It was a text from Niall.

Please tell me this isn't the end of us. When I saw you get hit last night I didn't give a shit about the show or my career. I just cared about you. I left the show and got to you as soon as I could. Just please call me when you wake up baby. xx

I didn't know he left the show. It was sweet but was it enough? I knew this wasn't Niall's fault but I just didn't know if I could handle what was going to come my way if I started dating Niall publicly.

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