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If you read the description you will understand the beginning .

"Hey , I'm Ethan Dolan ..." He gave me a smirk . "Hi .. umm .. I'm Elizabeth ." I put my hand gesturing him to shake my hand . He ignored my hand and went to the bathroom most likely to get the start bucks off of him . The bell was about to ring and I went to first period . As the teacher started calling role I was doodling on a peice of paper . My best friend Cameron I call him Cam was in that class with me . A boy that kinda looked like Ethan walked into the class late . He kinda looked like Ethan but he had blonde in his hair and he was a bit taller . "Who's that .?" I asked Cam . "Oh that's Ethans twin brother Grayson ." I looked back at him and he was on his phone . After 30 minutes have passed the bell rang . I was walking to my locker to put my math book away and I bumped into someone again . I looked up and it was Ethan again . "I should really watch were I'm going ." I giggled and he laughed too . "Who do you have next .?" He asked . "Well I have Mr.Fanny next ." I started to grab my science books . "Awesome me too." He said . "Are you new here ? I haven't seen you around before ." I looked at him confused . "Yeah , me and my twin brother Grayson went to a private school before this so this is diffrent for us . And you're the only person I really talked to since I got here ." He started blushing . "We have to hurry up and get to class before the bell rings ." I grabbed his wrist and fast walked to our next class .

   Grayson was also in my seventh period including Nash and Jack J. Grayson became pretty familiar around the school . Jack J was annoying I don't see how Nash could hang out with him . "Elizabeth.?!" The teacher cakeld my name for the third time catching my attention . "Oh .. uh sorry . I was in my thoughts ." After 30 minutes of class I walked to my locker and my boyfriend Sam Pottorff was waiting for me at my locker . "Hey babe ." He kissed my cheek . "Hey sam ." I smiled at him . Ethan walked up next to me . "Hey Elizabeth ." He smiled . "Hello Ethan . Go wait outside . I'll be there in minute ." Ethan walked away . "Who is that.?" Sam looked at me confussed . "Ethan, my study partner is Science . I have to go to his house and study with him today ." I quickly kissed him . "I have to go he's waiting for me ."


I went outside and I seen Ethan waiting for me and he was sucking faces with this girl named Ashley Braid . She had long blonde hair and dark blue eyes . I walked by him and faked a cough . "Oh .. uh sorry Ashley I have to go ." He said and quickly walked away . "First day here and you already have a girlfriend.?" I started laughing . "I don't make girls my girlfriend .." he lightly said . We started walking to his house . I got a text from Sam . 
Sammyy babyy:*- Dont do anything with that Ethan kid .

E-I'm not a cheater .

     He ignored my text . And we finally reached Ethans house . "No ones home so you can just go upstairs while I get us a snack ." I walked upstairs and thought I went into Ethans room but I went into to Graysons . "Oh .. uh hey ." Grayson said while he was on the phone . "Shit wrong room ." I walked out and went into a blue room . Ethan came upstairs and walked into the room . Then closed the door . Right when he closed the door someone knocked . Ethan opened it again . "Yeah Gray .?" He asked . "Close the door ." I over heard there conversation . There conversation went like this ,

Ethan:Dude, Elizabeth is really cute .

Grayson:I know that's what I need to talk to you about .

Ethan:What .?

Grayson:Don't play her like you did with all the other girls . She's too sweet for you too play her like that .

Ethan:I'm not going too Gray .

Grayson:You better not .

     Ethan walked back inside . Wow Grayson really cared about my feelings . "Now to studying ." Ethan said grabbing a pencil and a notebook . 


   Ethan's mom came upstairs . "Hey Elizabeth do you want me to take you home since you didn't bring your car .?" She kindly asked . "Yeah sure ."


I was sitting on my bed and I had two texts from random numbers .

859-667-5555:Hey .(:

E:Who is this .?

859-667-5555: Ethan Dolannn .

E:Ohh okay . Well I'm getting in a shower gtg .

Ethann:Okay .

   I checked my other message .

859-776-0099:Hey its Grayson .

E:Hey .(:

Gray-Beware of Ethan he likes playing with girls hearts .

E:I don't even like him . I just met him but I'm getting in the shower byee .

Gray:Byee .


Yep another Fanfiction but of Ethan Dolan .(: Most likley gonna make one of Jc or Kian or both . I like making fan fictions . Lets see if Elizabeth starts falling for Grayson or Ethan ...

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