Chapter twenty five

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I was worried sick. All negative thoughts were going through my head. "I didn't get to say bye, he hates me. It's all my fault" I didn't want to lose him at this very moment. I didn't wanna lose him at all. I just wanna talk to him... He's really the only one who's there for me anymore. My mom stopped getting a hold of me, my dad is never home, my brother went to college, and all my friends just stopped texting me. it was just Ethan. Whenever i was down he was there to help me back up. My phone started ringing again.. It was Grayson.

G: Have you heard anything about Ethan yet?

E: Yea, he has a 50/50 of living. They're not sure yet.
     It was silent for a good 5 minutes.

  *I heard Grayson sniffle*

G: I-I have to go. Ill call later.

   He immediately hung up. I needed to go see Ethan... I started my car back up and drove off to the hospital..


  "Visiting hours are closed at the moment." 'Damn' i thought to myself. "I'll come back later. Thanks." I walked out of the hospital and decided to text Courtney. She always helped me out.

  E: Hey. You got some?

  C: How much you need?

  E: Not that much. Like a g.

C: Ya i gotchu. Be there in 10.

    I got into my car and drove off to my house time to wait. Courtney arrived at my house exactly in 10 minutes. Time to smoke the pain away.


  She lit up the blunt and passed it to me. "You okay?" She asked. "Yeah just need to relax for a few" i said taking the blunt. A couple minutes have passed and i started feeling the high kick in. My mouth started getting dry and everything was funny for no reason. I started getting hungry but was to lazy to even get up. "Things finally off your mind?" Courtney asked giggling a little "Everything. The only thing on my mind right now is food" We both started laughing. Time to float off into space..

I know, im sorry for the late update. I didnt mean for the wait to be this long. But i hope you guys liked this chapter. It was kinda hard to think off. But thank you guys for almost 4k (: it means a lot❤️

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