Chapter 4: Callie

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I woke up and i heard Spencer talking to Andy we landed and i had no idea how i was going to get Andy to corporate so once we got out off the Plane and i saw Spencer's face i rolled my eyes and Grabbed Andy's Arm i made sure that i made myself up to be Scary or intimidating and i'm pretty sure my death glare worked because i got his attention


I sighed "Look be good and we will buy you ice cream"

He look mad and i laughed Spencer looked at me strange i havent laughed in a long time i pointed to Andy smiling

"He's so adorable when he is angry"

i think that made him way more mad than i meant but truly he looked adorable we walked inbetween him to my surprise he stayed quiet we walked outside and Spence went to get a car and that's when He ran honestly i expected this i just really didn't want to walk i waited for a minute to let him have a chance then i jogged through the lot and called Spencer he was worried i wasn't really i spotted him trying to hide under cars i ran by the car he went by and i let him run he had way too much energy i followed him close behind when i decided i didn't like the way people were looking at me i tackled him and i stood back up and scowled off course he managed to bash his head of the floor Great know he probably has a concussion Spencer pulled up and i put him in and we drove to Violets when we got there they all waited outside i hadn't seen them in months i walked out and carried Andy with me some hugged me others just stared in horror at Andy. I informed Gabe about our accident and he went to work then Spencer explained Everything to Violet and the others Sara just stared at Andy i saw her face it was a mix of pure anger and sadness Cassie hugged me

"Whats wrong?"

i frowned "What?"

she raised her eyebrow "You're different"

I shrugged how in the world did she pick up on that? when i decided we should figure out our plan i went into the kitchen to my shock we had some Beer i grabbed one and went to the study i needed to fix Andy and i knew one way someone could help i went through books i had no idea how to ask the Gods for a meeting we haven't done it in century's Violet probably knows eventually Spencer came in he looked at my drink and shook his head in disapproval it was the only way to keep her voice out but i couldn't tell him that

"I told them how he tried to escape"

I nodded and he continued "So they handcuffed him to a table"

I nearly died laughing when i heard that, after my laughter died down i told Spencer my problem he looked worried

"You want to Summon them?"

I nod he rubbed his neck "TheM? i don't know Callie that's big we haven't asked them for anything in...a long time"

i sighed running my fingers through my hair i jumped when i heard Eva speak you could always go to the kids school i could hear her clear as day that was a Very bad thing I looked at Spencer and Poker faced the best i could it wasn't a bad idea but we would never pass for Demi's i looked at Spencer

"I need to talk to Violet"     

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