Chapter 17:Alex

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I really regretted going into that basement. Evidently people did notice and they sent out freaking search parys out for me. I didn't realize I was that important to this whole ordeal. I sat in the chair while Virgo yelled at me. When she was done I grabbed a glass of water and in comes Virgo again great.


"I was reading"

"WHAT COULD YOU POSSIBLY READ THAT WOULD KEEP YOU BUSY ALL DAY." I shrugged I couldn't let go of my ego. She finally let me go. I started to walk into the living room and heard Spencer talking to Gabe about me I stopped to listen.

"You know Aries wa a great leader, Andy was a great leader and friend, but Alex is just a big let down, He just randomly decides to disappear for a day and worry everyone to death. When we finally did find him it's been nothing but chaos."

"It hasn't been complete chaos. You're really being kind of a butthole. Talking behind his back like this, he was your friend." At least I know Gabe's still my friend.

"It has been total chaos, Gabe, Callie is hardly talking to me because she's hanging out with that dumb demi dude. Or I've just been pranked by demi Bitch and she get weirded out, or she's worrying about Alex. With Alex He always brings chaos with him. Seriously remember how peaceful it was when Andy died?!" He whisper yelled oh so the guy I thought was my best friend actually hates me. This is a perfect example of why you never trust the normals they might act like they like you but turn around and talk about you behind your back

"It wasn't peaceful, Spencer it was depressing." I decided it was the perfect time to act like I didn't hear anything but man that hurt.

"He needs to pay!" I heard my own voice say but my mouth hadn't made any sound. I turned around it could be a doppelganger. I turned all the way around nobody was there. I'm just hearing things I guess. I walked in

"Hey guys" 'Make him pay!' This time realized the voice was really only in my head

"Hey Alex." I looked around

"Where's Cappy I haven't seen her since I 'disappeared'"

"she left and hasn't come back" I could hear the venom in his voice.

"Listen, Spence" I said a threatening voice "I don't know who you think you're talking to but I'm sure as hell not 16 anymore."

"You were 8 days ago and you haven't matured any so why should I think you're not 16 when you act like you're 9!" I do kinda act like I'm 9 'MAKE HIM PAY FOR EVERYTHING HE'S SAYING!'

"I know I'm a screw up but guess what..." What's good about me...I can be fun sometimes, but evidently they don't care about that.

"WHAT ALEX!" his face was reddish from anger. I gulped

"Honestly nothing I am nothing" Gabe was death glaring Spencer. "but at least I'm not you" Then I turned on my heel and left the room. I went back into the laundry room. I grabbed a flashlight and went back down the ominous stairs. The door closed again leaving me in the light of the flash light. 'you did nothing to protect yourself you idiot' it seemed to scream into my face 'you're just pathetic, even Spencer thinks so.' 'You'll never be as good as the rest of them.' 'you'll never be good enough for them' 'They will always be your superiors' 'You'll never be lit Aries or Andy you're just Alex, that's the only person you'll ever be' The only person that ever actually cared about you is either dead or about to be' I topped the though

"What does it mean dead or about to be?" I said silently to myself.I felt like I should just lay down and die. I'm gonna go get some fresh air. I climbed the stairs and pulled the door open. I put the flashlight away and walked out into the living room so that I could get into the kitchen to go outside. Callie was inside she started talking the second I walked in. What luck.

"Spencer, I think we should break up" She said looking down.

"WHAT! WHY?!" He screamed. I felt bad for him. Callie turned to me, oh crap.

"Alex, Look you're Not Andy you probably will never be the brother that i once looked up to so let's stop pretending you are" 'I told you' He laughed. I nodded He did tell me. I should leave, but where do I have to go. I took the necklace off but kept it locked in my fist chain and all.

"You're right" I went outside. I started sprinting as fast as I could in the woods. I found a tree with a rope attached to it, What? I climbed the tree and sat on a fairly thick branch toward the top. I sat there going over what she said for a minute. I looked at the necklace in my hand. The gods made a mistake Aries is dead. I'm just Alex that's all I'll ever be.The necklace seemed to taunt me about how I couldn't live up to them. I'm pathetic. My eye focused and unfocused on the necklace and I threw it as far as I could. I don't want to be him. I want to be Alex. I'm gonna try to find a way to leave nobody likes me anyway That Ben dude can take my place. Sure he's a demi but I'm sure it would work. Or maybe Ophy could take my place. 'You weak piece of trash would you really let the guy that killed you take your place. Of course you would I forgot, you're barely an Aries.' I heard Lily yell. I look down there she was looking directly at me. She looked concerned. I basically slid down the tree stopping on some branches but mostly jumping down.

"What's wrong Lex?" I shrugged

"ever since I got here.. I've just felt so... ya know. Alone" She smile and hugged me, Has she always been this short. Wow. We began to walk toward the house.

"Lex I hate to tell you now when you're like this but, I'm leaving" I stopped we were just coming out of the woods

"No! Why!" She looked at me.

"I'm gonna be a Hunter of Artemis." I sat down my back to the tree feeling like my legs couldn't support all the weight I had on my shoulders. 'pain is only what you make it to be dumbass stand up!' I listened to him and stood up. Does literally everything bad need to happen to me in one day? I'd rather be hit by a train.

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