Chapter 27:Alex

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So Callie and I are looking for Spencer in the place Callie says the monsters took him. I don't think Callie's insane, but this is a bad idea. I opened the large steel door. It squealed louder than a freaking Howler monkey. Well there goes our best shot at sneaking in. Callie and I stepped into the building it was cold inside. The door closed behind us. I wasn't gonna turn around anyway.I looked around this place has got to be easy to get lost in. I looked over at where Callie was just a second ago. WHERE'D SHE GO! I looked around myself frantically.

"Callie"I mumbled a couple times. I gave up I'll find her eventually. I went into the next room. A security room that was thankfully empty. I locked the door behind me. I rushed over to the chair that was in front of a whole bunch of tvs. They were security Tvs. I looked at the pictures on them most were empty rooms. I came across two screens that I actually needed to pay attention to. There were at least 7 golem's in each of the two rooms. What caught my eye the most though were Spencer and Callie tied to chairs. Spencer was sleeping though Callie was trying to escape. I could tell the knots were stronger than Callie. I need a plan to get in there and get them out with out ya know, dying. The golems will fight. I guess I can take them though. I noticed that I could make the cameras move. At that very second I completely forgot about the whole thing and made the camera go in circles. 'FOCUS IDIOT' He screamed inside my head. I saw some high walkways. They were so high though. They had to be at least 50 feet in the air. I looked around the room for something that could help me out. There's a broom closet. I opened it up and glanced inside. Just a broom, dust pan, cleaning supplies of different kinds, and a 90 foot rope. Why would they have a freaking 90 foot rope, what' wrong with them!? 'Stupid you can use that!' He said I know I could but really why would you do that. I feel like this is getting way too easy. This is definitely a set up. I'll just outsmart them. They expected me to come in here find the screens. They knew I would find the rope. They knew I would see the walk ways. Who are we dealing with. 'your imagination' He really needs to shut up. I grabbed the rope and slung it over my shoulder like a purse or something. It was kinda heavy, good. Now how am I gonna do this exactly. I could be a ninja and Go on the walkway and tie the rope to it and swing down and take out of all the golems. Or I could be a normal person and just use the rope to strangle the hunks of rock yeah that's the problem. They are freaking rocks. I could lower a dagger down to callie let her cut herself out then pull her up. Then I'd go for Spence. Yeah Spence is asleep. I'll handle that part later. I found a ladder up to the walkway the rail was basically to give a false feeling of security. You could easily let your foot slip off of the narrow piece of metal with holes in it. I stopped of course the walk way isn't gonna go where I need it to. I looked around nothing. I did notice that her chair had knobby things at the top of it. I tied a loop in the rope that was around 3 feet in diameter. I lowered the rope down silently. It touched the floor o I started swinging it toward the back of her chair. After several times I got the knobby thing in my ropes grasp, mwahaha. I wrapped my end around the railing. I pulled her chair closer until it was directly under me. She was doing nothing don't tell me they knocked her out too. I brought the rope up and tied my dagger to it. I lowered it again. It was in her lap first but her hands are tied. I pulled it back up a few inches and gabed her hand with it a little bit.She grabbed it and began to cut the rope away. I'll sharpen the dagger after today. She was almost finished when I fixed the loop so that she could slip her foot in and if she's holding on the right way then when I pull her up, she should just be able to sit on the ledge. I fixed the rope so I could do it right. I wrote a little not on the part of the rope that wasn't gonna move that said 'wait at car' and I drew a sloppy Aries sign. I lowered the rope for her. She climbed on and I got into the loop I made on my side. She slid up as I slid down. Physics are great. I pulled my flame sword off and cut most of them up. It' gonna work because they are clay it would melt them. After I finished with that 7 golems. I wiped my sweat off my forehead. Callie ran up behind me. I turned around and almost decapitated her thinking she was another golem.

"what are you doing here I said wait by the car" she shrugged

"I wanted to help you out" I came close to punching something. It would have been so simple. Walk into the room, chop the heads off, grab Spencer and bounce.

"SO what's your plan Callie?" I said trying as hard as I ould not to sound too sarcastic.

"I can get Spencer. While you take care of the Golems" Not a bad idea. I sighed letting go of my ego for a minute.

"Alright let's go" I went in first so I would keep their attention. I pulled my sword and let them come. They would try to run into me, or tackle me. I simply cut their limbs off. They'd plop on the floor one by one. By the time I finished I looked over to Callie. She was trying to pick Spencer up. Note the word trying. I walked over to her I wanted to show off a bit.

"Watch this" I said as I basically picked him out of the chair almost like he stood up himself. I slung him over my shoulder.

"Let's get to the car" she said I nodded and we started. I chuckled I know her, she didn't remember which way to go. I let her lead the way anyway. She opened the door in the room she had been. Good so far. She made a right turn down the hallway. She turned the wrong way but let's just say where this is going. There was a heavier metal door right in front of us It wasn't as big as the front door but it still had locks on this side of the door. She pushed it open to reveal it's pitch black out and right there's the car.

"I'm driving" I said opening the back door dumping Spencer into the seat. Callie slid into the passenger seat. I grabbed the keys off of the driver's seat before sitting down.

"Did you leave the keys in the car?"

"Yeah so?" I sighed and turned the car on I began to drive.

"Lesson one never leave your keys alone in the car that a really smart way to get your car stolen." She nodded

"Okay" She said was she mad at me or something. Oh yeah, I tied her to a chair or whatever.

"So you're still holding a grudge about the whole 'tying you up' ordeal" She nodded

"You tied me to a freaking chair!" She screamed I nodded sarcastically.

"Okay well Cry me a river of tears. Then get yourself some legos to build a bridge, and get over it."

"I won't get over it! That was a really bad thing for you to do!" She yelled.

"You're gonna get over it tonight if I have anything to do with it" She scolfed

"I'd love to watch you try" I pulled onto the main road. It was kinda empty considering it's almost 2 am.

"Where are you going, we're not supposed to go this way?" I shrugged.

"I have no idea." I said calmly. I slowly laid my foot down on the gas pedal accelerating until I couldn't push the pedal down any further.

"Alex! Slow down!" She screamed. I didn't listen I glanced in the mirror at Spencer. He's doing good. Callie was freaking out on the other hand. I was pushing 90 by now.


"He's fine" I swerved into the opposite lane "I'm trying to get my sister back" she continued to freak out especially now that she knows there's a simi coming and we're in a black car with no lights on.

"Alex stop it!" I could tell she was scared from the way her voice was trembling. The simi was now close enough to where I could see the man driving it. I swerved off the road into a field. I slowed down but I'm not gonna stop until I know she doesn't hate me anymore.I hit a stump that I honestly didn't even know was there. The car flipped. I pushed Callie's head down and pulled spencer down from the seat. The car made contact with the ground and I blacked out. Only for a second. The only thing I could heard was my heart slamming against my ribs. My vision blurred back to me. I looked at Callie who was shaking. I looked back at Spencer he was fine so was Callie. She was just scared. I looked forward at the windshield. Why is it shattered, the better question would be why is there blood on it. I looked up at my hair, blood, good, it's mine. I hopped out of the car. What am I gonna tell the cops? I won't call them. I opened Callies door for her when she does decide to get out of the car. I pulled Spencer out and leaned him against another stump.I helped Callie crawl out of the car. I told her to stand a couple feet away. I got a match out and tossed in into the gasoline that dripped onto the ground. Letting the whole car get engulfed in flame.

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