Chapter 28:Callie

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My head felt like i went through a carousel about a million times then rolled around a few times. I wanted to throw up, cry, and see if Spencer was okay. Everything was blurring together then i saw a fire at that moment i didn't care eventually a cab showed up we got in and halfway there i regained my thoughts and my vision Poor Spencer was still knocked out i was worried what was wrong he should have woke up by now i noticed red liquid was slowly sliding down Alex's head i mentally slapped myself Was Alex okay? This is all you're fault I nodded You're right it is my fault if i would have treated him like my brother we wouldn't have gotten hurt He tied us to a chair i nodded and that was my fault to everything that's happened has been my fault wow. i'm like a big let down tonight I could help i rub my temples That's not happening we got out and i was going to help but Alex scooped up Spencer and we walked in and immediately Virgo started talked more like Lecturing asking question their was so many questions Spencer got laid on the couch and i checked he was fine knocked out but fine then i turned to Alex and he was too busy looking out the window while Violet screamed at him i need to talk to him i walked up to him grabbed his wrist and dragged him into an empty room and slapped his arm.

"Your an idiot!"

He shrugged "I just wanted my sister back"

That Stung, i felt really bad and for Alex to be saying this made it hurt ten times more i tried to act like that didn't bother me i rolled my eyes.

"You didn't have to almost kill us to do that"

Before he talked i cut him off and pointed to a stool

"Sit" he frowned

But thankfully he did what i asked i got the first aid kit out from under the sink and i looked at all the dried blood on him i got out the alcohol and looked at him

"this is going to hurt"

and I spilled it all over his head wound he flinched but nothing else i cleaned the wounds and put some bandages over them when i was done i started cleaning up then Alex started to talk.

"So are we good?"

I knew he wasn't good at this, I was still mad but i didn't want anything hanging over his head. So i forced a smile and made it look nice

"of course"

It's not that i didn't love him, he was my brother i had to force the smile to dull the pain. i hated lying mostly to Alex i hugged him and went to Spencer Violet gave me the okay so i knew he was fine i saw My bracelet around his wrist i put it back on then i sighed This was all my fault Stop complaining and do something What in the world am i supposed to do? Are you really that stupid it took me a few seconds then i went upstairs to Ben i frowned he looked like he hadn't slept in days there were books everywhere and they were all about deals with Hades oh no


he turned only for a second and he nodded "Callie! I've been looking everywhere there is no one in the history that has ever fixed a deal with hades with your situation i've looked everywhere"

I hesitantly pat his back "Ben, i don't need a fix i made that deal for a reason i don't want to be saved, I don't deserve to be anyways"

His head snapped in my direction "Don't, So Spencer's okay that's great"

I smiled "He is?" he nods

"I have to get back to fixing you so, is that all?"

I hugged him and ran out the door and down the stairs i was beyond happy i never wanted Spencer to get kidnapped again i mean it wasn't his fault but still After promising Alex and Violet i was going to shoot my bow and arrow they had Luke and Cassie sit on the porch and watch me nice to know i can be trusted, i mean i understood why but still it kinda hurt i pulled out my Bow and Arrow and i shoot some i was so Annoyed and mad at myself i was going to die my friends think i'm insane i have a weird voice in my head and the only person i'd ever loved is lying knocked out on a couch. And my Brother thinks i hate him i am one messed up girl i guess when i die everything will be okay i mean i think they might moan for a couple days or a day i don't really know i needed to get back with Spencer although i'm not the best at that so maybe i won't Ugh! i don't even know anymore finally when i finished i walked up to the door and looked at Cassie and Luke they have been a couple for a couple months now i informed them i was done and i walked inside Checked on Alex and Spencer then i got a Pillow and Blanket and got a chair and i laid in it and i slipped my hand into Spencers and i watched T.V with Alex until i fell asleep i woke up and i was so happy i went to sleep yes! i didn't really want food so i got Spencer and Alex a plate maybe an hour into watching T.V Spencer like jolted up causing me to like flip out and i'm not proud of it but i ran and jumped on Alex who started laughing at me i tried to give him a death glare but it resulted in a grin i like ran to Spencer and tried to figure out why he was flipping out turns out he thought he was still kidnapped we explained our (More like Alex's rescue) and he had calmed down some maybe it was me but i swore his eyes flicked like a creepy dark green color but i figured it was Eva trying to freak me out i hugged him and frowned

"Don't you ever try to get kidnapped again!"
He grinned "Will do"

i handed him the plate of food and i sat beside him on the couch and then i pulled Alex over to the couch and i was in the middle we watched cartoons i slipped my hand into Spencers and Alex had his arm around me i felt at home i wanted to stay like this all day if i could but sadly Spencer wanted to take A shower and for some reason or another Ben wanted to talk to Alex so i was alone yet again so i decided to talk to Liberty i walked in her room and her smile lit up


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