Chapter 2

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Your POV

They brought me back to my place. As it turns out, Mark lives to right, and Sean is next to him. Turns out, Sean moved here about a year ago. I showed them around house. They seemed impressed.
"So what did you need to go to Walmart for in the first place?" Mark asked.
"Oh! Thanks for reminding me." I ran to the kitchen and got the picture out of the frame. There was no glass, but the frame broke into two pieces. I put the picture in the new frame and put it on my desk.
"Who are they?" Sean asked.
"My mother and my twin brother, Jake. I haven't seen them in forever."
Sean looked closer at the picture.
"That's a good friend of mine!" He brought out his phone and showed me a picture of him and Jake together. Tears started to form in my eyes.
"H-He's... grown so much." Then that cursed day ran through my mind. I couldn't let them be there when this was starting, but seeing me in my state, Mark and Sean decided to leave. Thank god they did. That's when all of it hit me head-on.


I was running after the car as mom and Jake left me behind. Mom had been fighting with him a lot lately. Now she was leaving. I finally understood why. He won the fight. He got to keep me. I was horrified. I didn't want to be left alone. I kept shouting Jake's name over and over. It was no use. They weren't coming back. He got me. He threw me back into the house. That's when all of the beatings really started.

*flashback ends*

I can't take it anymore. I walk to the bathroom upstairs and shut the door. Opening the drawer to my left, I grabbed the razor blade out from a bag that I kept in the back. I started to dig into my skin. It bled more as I cut deeper. I finally stopped, holding my arm over the sink. After a few minutes, it stopped bleeding. I can't believe I just did this again. I promised myself I wouldn't, but the pain became to unbearable. I needed to make a video for today, so I quickly put on a long-sleeved shirt, and went to the basement. I started the video up.
"Hey guys! Lost Hope here. I wanted to thank you guys for supporting me when I decided to moved here. As you can obviously see, I have already moved everything in. It's actually really nice here, and I have some pretty decent neighbors. Or at least, I think so. Anyways, I gotta go for now, but I figured I'd give you guys an update about what was happening with me. I'll see you all in whatever I post next. See you later, lovelies!" I ended the video. Didn't even bother to edit it since I got it in one take. I decided I'd go shopping for groceries, since I needed them anyways. I went, got a shit load of stuff, and went back home. As soon as I got home, I saw Mark standing on the porch at my front door. I parked the car. Mark walked up to me.
"Hey, Mark."
"Hey, (y/n). I-I wanted to talk to you about the collab. Do you want me to help you?" He was blushing. I started to blush at him.
"Sure." We brought everything in together.
"So how old are you, Mark?"
"25. You?"
"So not quite drinking age yet. Bummer."
"No. But my birthday's coming up, so I'll be able to then."
"When's your birthday?"
"February 21st."
"Golden birthday then."
I nodded my head in agreement. We kept talking even after everything was put away. God was he handsome. I don't get why I was so lucky to have met both him and Sean, but one thing was for sure: I really like Mark, if not loved him. I want to get to know him better.

Mark's POV

God, is she beautiful. That's why I walked up to her at Walmart. I knew who she was. I wanted to get to know her better. I decided to help her out with her groceries. We talked the entire time. Man, I wish I could take her in my arms and just start kissing her all ov- wait just a minute Mark! You just met the girl! Well, I have always admired her from behind a computer screen. She told me when her birthday was. I'm gonna get her a present. I gotta tell Sean. I know what we'll do together. She'll be so happy when her birthday comes around.

That's chapter 2. Go ahead and leave comments of ya want to. I will see you all in the next chapter. Later lovelies!

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