Chapter 4

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Your POV

I stood frozen with tears forming in my wide eyes.
"I'm your father. I have my ways of getting your number. I'm dissapointed in you, (y/n). I thought you knew me better."
"What do you want?"
"You to get your ass home this minute."
"I am never coming home!" Mark came over by me and put a hand on my back.
"Is everything ok, babe?" Mark asked. They must have noticed me shaking slightly.
"You better come home or else there will be consequences."
"I... will never... come home... to you!"
"I will find you, beat you into oblivion, and drag you back home. You can't hide from me for long, you little bitch!" I quickly hung up the phone. Tears were trying to fall out of my eyes.
"(Y/n)? Who was it?" Jake asked. I stole a quick glance at him. He looked worried. Memories started to flash around in my mind.


He just finished using me as a punching bag.
"I'll leave someday. I'll get away from him." I thought I whispered it quiet enough to where he didn't hear me, but he did. He pulled me up by my hair to see his face.
"Try and get away, I'll make sure I find your brother, and make sure he's never found again."
I stared at him in disbelief. He left me in my room. I'm not going to let that happen.

*flashback ends*

"No no no no no no no." I started hyperventilating. I couldn't believe I forgot about that. Jake got up from the sofa and put his hands on my shoulders.
"(Y/n), what's wrong?" Jake asked. I could only say one thing: no. I shook him off and ran to my room slamming the door shut behind me. I couldn't stop myself. I guess old habits die hard because I tried to hide in the corner of the room. Tears were pouring down my face. I didn't want to him to get Jake, but I didn't want to go back. I honestly didn't know what to do.

Mark's POV

Why the hell did she just take off? I turned to Sean. He shrugged. We both turned towards Jake. He was looking through (y/n)'s phone. A look of pure hatred spread across his face. He almost threw her phone on the floor, but stopped himself before he could.
"Who was it?" Sean asked.
"I'll bet you anything it was that fucking piece of shit for a father." Sean and I looked at each other.
"What exactly happened to you two when you guys were younger?" Jake stayed silent for a bit.
"When we were born, they were both happy. But that all changed soon after. Dad found put how annoying it was to have kids. He liked me, but absolutely hated my sister. Growing up, we thought we were in a safe environment, but sure as shit, we were wrong. After a few years, we began to notice how everything was around us. We would see dad beating mom. After about 5 months, mom had enough. She filed for a divorce and tried to fight for both of us. She only got me. Dad had put up good enough of a fake argument to keep her. Mom took me and left for Ireland a week after we turned 7." Tears were forming in his eyes.
"I still remember seeing her run after the car as we were leaving. She kept shouting 'don't leave me here! Take me with you!' and my name over and over again. I hadn't seen her since that day. Dad would never let us come and visit. We'd be lucky enough that our presents to her got to her."
"So you haven't seen each other for 13 years?" He nodded slowly and started walking upstairs.
"I'm pretty sure that he did the same thing to her." He stated as he stopped in front of her door. We could hear her crying in there. Jake tried to open the door.
"(Y/n), open the door please." She didn't answer.
"Would one of you two go find a bobbie pin for me?"
"I'll go." Sean stated. I followed him to the bathroom.

Sean's POV

Girls usually keep bobbie pins in the bathroom, so that's where I went to check first. Sure as shit, they were in the left drawer of the sink. I opened it, gave one to Mark, and almost shut it, but then I saw a bag that looked like it was trying to be hidden from the world. Mark already left, so I decided to look at it. I pulled the bag out and stood there, horrified by what I saw. She didn't seem like the type to do this to herself. I found her razor, and it was fresh with blood, meaning she used it recently.

Your POV

Jake got the door open. Tears were still falling from my eyes. I couldn't stop them. Mark moved me forward, sat behind me, and set me in his lap. Jake sat next to him and started to rub my back. It was actually quite comforting. My sobs slowly came to a halt. That's when I saw Sean standing in the doorway.
"Now, tell us what you're scared of." Mark said to me quietly.
"I don't want to go back, but I don't want him to get Jake. I'm scared. I don't want him to find us. I don't want him to get us. Any of us." I looked at the door. Sean wasn't there anymore. He came back a few moments later with the first aid kit. Then he sat down in front of me, held out his hand, and said "give me." I tried to act stupid, but he saw right through me and pulled my arm towards him. He pushed the sleeve up, revealing new cuts. Mark held me tighter. Jake looked at my arm with wide eyes.
"Right before I slammed my door shut. I went to the bathroom and did this." Mark hugged me tighter while Sean poured disinfectant on the wound. I flinched. He then proceeded to wrap it up in bandages.
"Promise me you won't do this again." Sean said to me.
"I promise."
"Good. Now I'm gonna go throw it away just to make sure." We all went downstairs together. They made sure to liven up my mood after that. I spent the rest of my birthday with the people I cared for the most. Best birthday I've had in a long time.

That's a wrap on chapter 4! Go ahead and leave comments if you want to. I will see you guys in the next chapter. Later lovelies!

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