Chapter 12

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Your POV

Tons of thoughts were running through my head. When did he get here? How did he get here? Why is he here?!? He can't take me back to that hell hole, and I'm not letting him anywhere near Lillian.
"Fuck you!" I hung up the phone and went inside. Looking at the front door with dread, I walk towards Jake first. A few years back (while we were both in high school) we had decided to take a different language that the same time, so we decided to take Spanish. I walked over to jake, who's expression turned serious as soon as he saw my face.

~these symbols means your talking in Spanish.~

"~ Go upstairs into my room, and under the bed, there's a handgun in a box. Grab it for me.~"
"~ Why, (y/n)?~"
"~ Dad's here, and I'm not letting him in this house.~"
Jake nodded and ran upstairs. He came back down a minute later, hiding the gun in his pocket. He quickly gave it to me, which in return I put it in my sweatshirt pocket. Then I went to open the door. My hand hesitated before I firmly took a grip on the doorknob. I wish I didn't open it. There in front of me, I saw my father. He was 43, with brown hair and brown eyes. He was a very well-built man. I guess that's why mom fell in love with him at first.
"How about no?"
"You're already violating the restraining order!"
"The one you put up. And without my consent."
"I don't need your fucking consent to get a restraining order against your ass!"
"Maybe you don't need one."
"I think I do! You abused me until I left!"
"Without me knowing. Maybe you should get your ass back home before I beat it there."
"Fuck no! I've been happy since I found this place, and you're not about to take it away from me!" I could feel every one watching behind me. Stupid me for forgetting to shut the door. I felt something tug on my pant leg. Looking down, I saw Lilly.
"Mama... who's that?" He crouched down to her height.
"Is this the bitch I'm supposed to call my granddaughter?" I kicked him right in the jaw. He staggered back a few feet. Still as strong as I remember.
"You shut your fucking mouth about my daughter!" I quickly crouched down. "Lilly. Go stay by papa. Mama will take care of this."
"Does she have no right to know who her grandfather is?!?" He shouted at me, but he was smiling creepily.
"Baby... no matter what he says, he will never be your grandfather." I kissed her forehead. "Now, go to papa." I watched her go over to Mark. He picked her up before I turned back towards my 'father.'
"Get the fuck off my property."
"You get your ass home. Now." He charged at me. I wasn't prepared for it. He pulled his fist back fast, faster than I could even prepare to duck. I felt a hand pull me out of the way. I saw Jake's face before he was punched right square in the jaw. He's not used to dad's punches. He fell to the ground, knocked out like a light.
"Jake!" I picked up his lower half and held him close to me. "You shouldn't have done that, dumbass..."
"You better come with me before something worse happens." My 'father' stated next to me. I looked at him with tears threatening to form in my eyes.
"Fuck you!"
"Fine then." He pulled a knife out of his back pocket. I put Jake down and stood in front of the doorway.
"You're not stepping inside my house."
He started to walk closer to me. I saw the knife shine against the light in his hand.
"Get your ass in the car. We're leaving."
"No. You're leaving." I pulled the handgun out of my pocket and pointed it at him. He laughed at me.
"I bet that thing's not even loaded! Can you even shoot a gun?!?" I cocked the gun and pointed it at him again.
"You wanna find out?" I didn't take my eyes off of him. That's when I heard sirens not too far off in the distance. He looked over to where the sounds were coming from, then turned to glare at me.
"We'll finish this later." He ran off to his car and tried to drive away. I got off the porch so I had a better shot and fired at his tires, knocking out the back two.
"You won't be getting far now, jackass." I could see him get arrested in the distance. I slowly turned around and walked back to Jake. Sitting down next to him and putting his head in my lap, I started to hum a song to him. A police officer walked up to my house.
"Ma'am, are you the one who called us?" I shook my head no.
"That would've been me." Molly stated from behind Wade.
"Well, thank you miss. We've been trying to catch this guy for a couple of weeks now. Do you know him?" That's when I spoke up.
"He's my father."
"Well... I'm sorry about that."
"Don't be. The crazed lunatic deserves to be behind bars." After a small round of questions, the police officer left. Felix and Ken carried Jake over to the sofa. I went back outside to get my gun. As I was putting it away, someone asked "Where'd you learn to shoot?" Making me jump and hit my arm on the bed frame. I looked at the doorway to see Mark standing there.
"I may or may not have gone to the shooting gallery growing up." A silent air filled the room.
"How's Jake?"
"Still not awake, but I'm sure he will be soon." Mark sat by me and threw an arm over my shoulders, pulling me close to him.
"Your dad's an ass." I chuckled at him.
"What was your first clue?"
"Him making you do those bad things to yourself." He held me even closer to him.
"I'm just glad he didn't get near Lilly."
"Me too, (y/n). Me too." We went back downstairs hand in hand just in time to see Jake wake up.
"What hit me? It felt like a sledgehammer!"
"Dad's punch. That's how strong he is."
"How can you stay conscious after that?!?"
"I got used to it. Don't do that again, dumbass."
"I will if I need to, just like I know everyone else in this room would do that same." Everyone nodded in agreement. Tears formed in my eyes as I said "thank you." We spent the rest on the night in peace. Thankfully, Lilly didn't ask too many questions about my father. As I put her to bed, I couldn't help but wonder why I had a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach. I couldn't figure it out, so I went to bed. It was the middle of the night when it hit me hard. I suddenly realized why I had the bad feeling. It's because this isn't over. Not until he's won.

And that's a wrap on chapter 12! Sorry for the cliffhangers. Anyways... go ahead and leave comments if you want to, and I will see you all in the next chapter! Later lovelies!

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