Chapter 18

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Your POV

It's about 2 weeks until I'm supposed to pop. We finally found enough time in everyone's schedules to have a baby shower. Everything was already set up, and our friends were starting to arrive. I felt bad because I couldn't do anything to help, but as Mark said, I'm in a bit of a fragile state, even though I don't act like it. I felt a pair of arms wrap around me from behind.
"Hi, Mark."
"Hello, love of my life." He kissed me lightly. Jake walked out to the backyard.
"Why aren't people out here yet?!? The party's supposed to be out here, it's perfect weather, and no one's out here yet! Talk about depressing!" I stepped into the backyard. It looked amazing. Balloons were tied down to the railing, some small tables were set up with some snacks and drinks on it, and a few chairs thrown about for people to sit on. I felt bad once again.
"I'm sorry I couldn't do anything to help, Mark."
"It's fine, (y/n). Don't worry about it." He held me for a little bit longer before going to join my brother out by the tire swings. Jake was currently pushing Lilly on it, making her go higher and higher. I have to admit, it made me a little more cautious than normal. I went and joined the girls near the snack table.
"So, how does it feel, you know, to be pregnant?" Molly asked.
"You get sore and things like that, but in all reality, it's wonderful."
"That's sounds amazing." Mandy stated. We all talked for a few hours. I kept watching Mark and Jake play with Lilly. They looked like they were having the greatest of times. Then I felt a sharp pain in my stomach that almost made me fall in pain. I then felt something trickle down my leg. I looked down, but it was clear. Molly and Mandy were looking at me with concerned faces.
"What's wrong?!?"
"I-I.... I think my water just broke." Another wave of pain hit me.
"Yep! Time for the hospital!" Molly quickly took my hand while Mandy went to get the car.
"Just breathe, (y/n). Breathe."
"I'm breathing just about the best I can right now!" Molly took me out to the car. I got in the back, and the other two sat in the front. I buckled in while they started driving. A few minutes later, Molly's phone started going off.
"It's Wade."
"Answer it. Just try not to freak out in the process." She answered the phone and put it on speaker.
"Hey, Wade."
"Hey, Molly. Where'd you guys run off to?"
"Listen Wade. I need you to tell Mark something for us, alright?" Molly asked.
"Alright. What is it?" That's when a huge pain made me cry out some.
"Was that (y/n)?!? Is she in labor?!?"
"Yes, honey. She's in labor. We're driving her to the hospital right now. Would you mind telling Mark and Jake for us?"
"Uuuh... sure. Give me a minute." There was a bit of muffled yelling and talking.
"Ok. I told Mark and Jake. They're freaking out. They're also getting Lilly and getting into the other car. In other words, we'll meet you there in a little bit. Love you."
"Love you too, Wade." She hung up. Another contraction hit me.
"Fuck! I'm not ready for this!"
"Just calm down, (y/n). You're gonna be alright." More time and pain passed by, and we finally got to the hospital. Molly and Mandy rushed me inside. Mandy let go of my hand to go talk with the receptionist. The lady looked at me and phoned for a wheelchair. Mandy rushed back over to me and held my hand. A few nurses soon rushed over and put me in the wheelchair. They kept talking about how they needed to get everything prepped, while I just kept thinking about how much I wanted to get Timmy out! They made me quickly change into a hospital gown. After I did, they whisked me away to a different room. We got to the room, I laid down, and the next words I heard, I never knew would cause me the most pain in my life. The next thing the doctors said was "Alright. Now, push!"

Mark's POV

We had just gotten into the hospital when we were greeted by Mandy and Molly.
"They just took her back." Molly stated.
"How long do we have to wait?"
"Who knows. It could be just a few hours, it could be a couple of days. There's no telling. Every person is different." Mandy said.
"So, all we can do is wait." Jake said. Molly nodded. Nobody knew how long we were gonna be there for, but we knew that we would be there to support (y/n).
"Papa, what going on?" Lilly asked.
"Well... mama is in a bit of pain right now, because Timmy is coming. So we have to wait for him to get here."
"How long do we wait for?"
"Who knows, baby. Who knows." I kissed her forehead. We waited for about three and a half hours before a nurse came into the waiting room.
"Are you Mark Fischbach?"
"Yes. What do you need?"
"Everything's done. You can go see you wife and your new child now." She smiled brightly at me. Lilly took my hand as we followed the nurse to (y/n)'s room. She left us there. I knocked on the door lightly.
"Come in." I opened the door slowly to find (y/n) holding little Timmy in her arms.
"Hi, Markimoo. Hi, Lilly."
"Hi, mama. You sound tired."
"I am baby. I'm really tired." She smiled at us. "Come look at the new baby." I picked Lilly up so she could see Tim better. He looked so tiny. I set Lilly down on one side of the bed, while I went and sat on the other side. Lilly just stared at him in amazement. (Y/n) looked at me.
"Do you want to hold him, Mark?" I stayed silent for a moment, but nodded my head. She carefully handed him over to me. He was tiny in my arms.
"Hi, Tim. I'm glad to finally meet you in person. And I know I'm not the only one." I kissed his forehead, and I swear that he smiled at me.
"He smiled! He smiled at me!" (Y/n) smiled at me.
"He's glad to meet you for real, instead of just hearing your voice through my stomach."
"Can I hold him, too?" Lilly asked.
"Yes, but you have to be careful."
"I will!" She held out her arms for him. I carefully placed Tim in her arms. She propped him up a little.
"Hi, Tim. I'm your big sister! I hope we can grow to be the best of friends, like mama and uncle Jake are." We both smiled at her cute statement. She kissed his forehead lightly as well. A few hours passed with a few different visitors. Soon enough, visiting hours were over and people had to leave. They let us stay this time though, since we were family. I saw Lilly was asleep on the pullout bed already. Tim was asleep in his little bed. I looked over at (y/n). She was awake, but she looked very tired.
"You need to get some sleep."
"I know." I kissed her forehead.
"You did great, today."
"Thank you. I love you, Mark."
"I love you too, (y/n)."
After a few minutes of just laying there, she finally fell asleep. I went over to the pullout bed and laid down next to Lilly. Soon after, I fell asleep thinking about the bright future we had ahead of us. I couldn't wait to see what was in store for us now.

That's a wrap on chapter 18! Go ahead and leave comments if you want to, and I will see you all in the next chapter! Later lovelies!

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