Chapter 5

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Your POV

It has been about a month since me and Mark started dating. I was somewhat against it, but we had told his and my viewers a week after we started. Most of the comments to us were good. They were things like 'good for you two!' or 'OMG! I ship it so hard!', but then again, there were also the comments that said 'how dare you take Mark away!' and 'I will fucking end you!'. Mark tried putting those to rest rather quickly, but there were still ones that got through every now and then. Right now, I'm actually out to eat with a friend of mine. Me and Marcy had decided to catch up since she was in town at the nearby olive garden.
"So how have you been, (y/n)?"
"I've been doing pretty good. Keeping up with my work, got into a relationship, living a good life. You know, same old same old."
"Wait. Back up. You're in a relationship? Old workaholic (y/n)? Why didn't you tell me sooner!"
"Maybe if you would've watched the video from about a month ago, you would've found out. He's one of your favorites."
"Jack! No, no, no... Bob! No." She pondered over it for a minute. "I got it! It's Mark!"
I nodded. She squealed in excitement for me. We kept talking for about a hour before we decided we needed to go. I gave her a quick hug goodbye before walking off towards my house. It was already dark out, and there weren't a lot of people around. That's when something pulled me into an alleyway by a bar. I felt something go through me on my right side. It felt like someone was trying to rip me open. It went back out and I fell to the ground. I looked up to see a young blond girl, probably about 17.
"Hello there, boyfriend stealer."
"Wha-" before I could even muster out a sentence she kicked me in the gut, making me roll a few feet away from the opening of the alleyway. I was laying on my stomach when she sat on my back.
"Let me tell you a little bit about myself. My name's Christi Bell. I need you gone so that way Mark can see that he's my soul mate. But I know that you won't willingly leave him alone, so..." She stabbed me again, this time on the opposite side. I wanted to cry out in pain.
"Since you won't go, I'll get rid of you instead. I'm just gonna let you go out here." She pulled the weapon out and got one last stab at my right shoulder, making sure she made it extra painful in the process. She pulled it back out, got off of me, and left. I stole a quick glance at her vehicle as she left. It was a red ford. A car, not a truck. License plate: 385-AYB. The car pulled away. The pain hit me again as I tried to move a little bit. I look in front of me and saw my phone. I must have dropped it. Amazing that she didn't notice it. This was gonna be a bitch to get to. I started to crawl slowly over to it, pain shooting up and down my body as I did. I was bleeding out, and I didn't even care all too much. As soon as my phone was in my hand, I didn't even bother calling 911. I unlocked my phone and called the last person I talked to: Sean.

Jake's POV

Something isn't right here. She would've called to say that she was on the way home by now. I was pacing around her living room, while Mark and Sean were telling me to calm down, it's just a girl thing, she'll be alright. I still couldn't shake the bad feeling in the pit of my stomach, not to mention the slight pain in my right side. I walked over to the fridge to grab a water bottle. I started to drink out of it when Sean's phone started going off on the island. I looked at it and saw (y/n)'s name, and a picture we all took together back at our birthday party.
"If it's (y/n), then by all means, answer it mate!" Sean shouted at me. I picked it up and answered it.
"J-Jake?" Her voice was off.
"Yeah, it's me. What's up?"
"I-I'm sorry, Jake. I don't know if I'm g-gonna be able to make it home." It seems like she's in pain.
"What's wrong?"
"I... I'm in trouble, Jake." She was crying on the other end.
"Where the fuck are you and what the fuck happened?!?" By now, Mark and Sean were staring at me wide-eyed.
"I-I'm by maple park. That bar that's on the corner. T-There's an alleyway right next to it. I'm in there. I don't want to move Jake."
"I'm coming to get you." I quickly put her on speaker as I ran towards the car. Mark and Sean hopped in right after I did.
"S-Somebody pulled me into the alleyway. A girl. S-She said her name was Christi Bell. She said she needed me out of the way, that Mark's her soul mate. S-She...." I heard her grunt from what seemed like pain.
"What happened?"
"She stabbed me, Jake. Three times. Once in each side, the last time in my right shoulder. I can't stop the bleeding, but by not moving, I'm not making it go any faster either." She laughed into the phone. I finally noticed that Sean was on Mark's phone, probably calling 911.
"Hold on, (y/n), we're almost there." I saw the bar off into the distance. I stopped the car and hung up the phone. Looking into the alleyway, I saw what looked like a body near the wall.
"(Y/n)!" I ran up to her. She looked horrible. I held her in my arms. Her phone was still in her hand.
"Lucky she didn't see this, right?" She laughed a little bit. I could still see she was in pain.
"The ambulance is on its way. It'll be here any minute. Just hang on." Mark and Sean walked up. I heard a gasp escape from both of them.
"I'm tired, Jake. Why am I tired?" Her breathing was slowing down.
"Don't you dare fall asleep on us! Keep talking." She started to laugh again.
"God... I love all three of you so much. Especially Mark. You guys have made my life so much better than it's ever has been." Her breathing slowed down even more. That's when I heard the sirens.
"They're almost here. Don't you dare fall asleep on us now!" The paramedics rushed over to take her away. We all watched them leave with her. Mark had tears running down his face.
"Don't cry. She wouldn't want that." One thing was for sure: until we knew for sure that she was ok, life was gonna be hell, especially for Mark.

That's a wrap on chapter 5! God I'm cruel. Anyways... go ahead and leave comments in you want to, and I will see you all in the next chapter! Later lovelies!

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