Chapter 7

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Your POV

It's been a few days since I got out of the hospital. I've been going out and buying some things I knew I would need for what's coming up today. Right now, the boys are all over. I need to get going soon, but I can't just tell them to leave! I'll just let them stay here for now. While I was in deep thought, something poked my side, making me jump. I turned to glare at Jake, who was just smiling at me.
"What're you thinking about over here, miss?"
"That I gotta get going for something soon."
"Can I come with?" I thought about it for a minute as I walked towards the front door.
"Sure, uncle Jake. You can come with." Then I shouted to Mark "Mark! You and Sean are in charge of the house while I'm gone!" I quickly ran out to the car with Jake on my heels. As soon as he got it, I pulled out of the driveway and drove to town.
"Please tell me you're not pregnant." Jake begged from the passenger seat.
"Of course not, dumbass! I've never even had sex."
"That's kinda surprising, but at the same time, it's not."
"Yeah, yeah, yeah. I bet you have."
"Maybe. Maybe not."
"You haven't."
"You can tell?"
"It's your tone of voice that gives you away." We started laughing at our own stupidity. It was nice to have him back. We could finally talk about stupid shit and not care again.
"So... where exactly are we going?"
"You'll see in just a few seconds..." We pulled into the adoption center.
"What're we doing here?"
"Quit asking questions!" We walked inside. It looked quite nice, actually.
"Hello. My name is Jen. How may you help you today?"
"I'm looking to adopt a little 3 year old girl. Her name is Lillian Nicholas."
"Ah, little Lillian. She's actually not 3 quite yet, but she will be two months from now. I'll go and get her while you sign the adoption papers." Jen left the room. I filled out all the information while she was gone. Jake was breathing down my neck the entire time.
"What, Jake?"
"Are you sure you want to do this, (y/n)? I mean... raising a kid might be tough."
"I'm sure. I have a stable income, I have the money in my bank account just in case, and I want to get her out of here."
"I know, but why?"
"Jake. She ended up in the hospital because of her injuries from getting bullied here. I'm not letting that happen again. Besides, she reminds me of me when I was little."
"That she does." Jen walked back with Lillian right behind her. Lillian was toting a small plaid blue suitcase behind her. As soon as she saw me, she had a smile plastered on her face.
"(Y/n)!" She yelled as she ran up to hug me. I picked her up and hugged her right back.
"Hey there, sweetheart! Guess who has good news?"
"Are you the kind lady Jen talked about?"
"Yes. I'm taking you home with me today." I put her down and handed the adoption papers to Jen. We waved goodbye to her and went out to the car. I'm surprised that Jake didn't notice the car seat in the back. Well, I should say he didn't notice it until we got to the car. Then we joked around about how blind he was. As soon as Lilly was buckled in, we drove off towards Walmart.
"What do I call you now?" Lilly asked from the backseat.
"You can call me whatever you want, baby."
"Ok mama." The way she said it felt... right. Like I should be hearing that everyday. I smiled to myself. We rode in silence as we went to Walmart together. As soon as we parked, Jake broke the silence by asking "so... what do we need here?"
"Groceries, a couple shirts for me and Mark, and some things for Lilly."
"Why do you need shirts for Mark?"
"He asked me to get them, and gave me money for them today, so I figured I'd get them while we were here." He nodded. We went inside, put Lilly in the cart, and got the groceries first. As soon as that was done, we went over to the shirts. I grabbed the one Mark had been looking at, along with a Jack Skellington t-shirt for me.
"Can I have that one?" Lilly asked, pointing at a t-shirt that had both Jack and Sally on it. Jake searched through it and found a small. I set Lilly down on the ground.
"Arms up." She did as I told her to. I put the shirt on her. Way to big to be a regular t-shirt.
"It's too big for a t-shirt, but you can use it for pajamas, ok?" She nodded her head in agreement. I quickly took it off of her, set her back in the cart, and took her to the kids section. There, we all chose a few different things for her. A few new t-shirts, a couple pairs of new shoes, two skirts, two pairs of shorts, some socks, some underwear, and five pairs of pants, and all for dirt cheap. To sum it all up, Jake dragged be over to the toy section to get her some things. I already had a doll house, some dolls, a couple of stuffed animals, and a toy vanity with fake makeup for her, so I had to wonder what he had in mind. He grabbed three toy swords, a nerf bow with ammunition, lots of Legos, and some cars for her. While we were over there, I grabbed a tea set for her. She looked amazed at all of the stuff in the cart.
"For me?" We both nodded. She looked so happy after that.
"Can we play when we get home?"
"Sure, baby." We payed for everything and went home. As we pulled into the driveway, I looked into the mirror and saw Lilly staring at the house.
"Is this home?" She asked.
"Yes. This is home." Jake answered for me. We got out and started to take everything inside. Well, Jake started while I got Lilly out of the car. I grabbed the stuff that needed to go up to Lillian's room and mine. Jake got the groceries.
"I wanna help!" Lilly said next to me. I looked around at all of the bags and picked on of the lightest ones, which was some of her clothes. She smiled as I handed it to her. I opened the door and held it open long enough for Jake to grab it.
"Mark! Sean! We're home!"
"About time! I was getting worried abou-" Mark was saying until he looked over and saw Lilly standing next to me. His mouth dropped open.
"Hi, Mark!" Lilly said happily.
"C'mon, Lilly. Let's go put your stuff in your room."
I led her upstairs to her own room, all while wondering what was going through Mark's mind at that very moment.

That's a wrap on chapter 7! What do you think is running through his head? I know, but you won't till the next chapter. Go ahead and leave comments if you want to, and I will see you all next time! Later lovelies!

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