Chapter 9

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Mark's POV

(Y/n) came down after a few minutes.
"She's asleep. Don't make too much noise or else I will kick your all of you asses one by one, got it?"
I went over and kissed her.
"Whatcha doing?"
"Going to make videos until she wakes up." She leaned forward and whispered "I'm letting you off the hook for an ass whooping today." Then she quickly kissed me again and went to the basement. I silently cheered in my head. We all messed around for close to a hour before I heard little footsteps behind me. Looking back, I saw Lilly rubbing her eyes.
"Hey, Lilly. What's up?" She looked at me with tired eyes before heading towards the basement stairs.

Your POV

I was in the middle of editing a video when I heard the door open behind me. Looking to see who it was, I saw a tired little Lillian.
"Hey, Lilly. What's up?" She walked over to me and put her arms up. She wanted me to pick her up. I set her in my lap with her feet hanging off my legs while I put my feet up on a footstool, but as soon as I did, she put her head on my chest and fell right back to sleep. She must have been lonely. I put my arm around her, lightly kissed the top of her head, and went back to editing the video with one hand. I thought I heard a little snap by me, but paid no mind to it. Didn't really care to find out what it was at the moment. Lilly started to move around, but it hasn't quite been a hour yet, so I decided to start humming. She stopped moving after the first couple of notes. About 15 minutes later, I finished editing the video and uploaded it. She woke up as soon as I did.
"Is it play time now?" She asked sleepily as she rubbed her eyes.
"As soon as you're more awake." I held her I against my body as I took her upstairs. Everyone else was either talking or playing a game. Mark noticed that I came out of the basement. He came over and gave me a quick kiss on the cheek.
"Hey, babe. She still not awake?"
"More like she's slowly waking up." Lilly looked over at Mark.
"Hey there, pumpkin." She held her arms out for him. He took her from me.
"Hi, papa." Both of our eyes grew wide. A blush spread across my face as I smiled brightly. Mark smiled in response.
"Yeah. Papa's here." He held her until she woke up fully. After that, she turned into a little ball of energy. The rest of the day flew by as we all just hung out, played games, and enjoyed each others company. Soon enough, everyone left and it was time for bed. I was giving Lilly a bath when I found Mark staring at us in the doorway.
"You like this scene before you?"
"I think this is adorable." He kissed the top of my head before leaving the bathroom. We finished her bath. I took her to her room and got her dressed.
"Ok. What do you want to wear tonight?"
"The one shirt!" I didn't quite understand what she was saying until I looked over at the one I got for her today.
"You mean the Jack and Sally one?"
"Yeah! The pretty one!" As soon as she was dressed, she asked "can I give papa night-night kisses?"
"Sure, honey." We went to my bedroom. Mark was sitting on the bed watching TV. He smiled when he looked over and saw us.
"Hey. What's up?"
"Someone wants to give papa goodnight kisses." Lilly went over, hopped on the bed, and tackled Mark. She lightly kissed him on the cheek.
"Night-night papa!"
"Night Lilly." She got off the bed and quickly ran back to her room. I followed her back, with Mark right behind me. Lilly got into bed and closed her eyes tightly. I started sing a song very lightly to help lull her to sleep. She was out like a light within a matter of minutes. Me and Mark walked back to our room. I changed into my Jack and Sally night shirt(which was kinda like a short nightgown) and pajama shorts. I got under the covers and cuddled with Mark.
"So... I guess I'm papa now?"
"Yes, indeed." We smiled at each other. After a hour of watching TV, we fell asleep. At about 2 in the morning, I woke to the sound of someone crying. It was coming from Lilly's room. Mark must have heard it too because he all of a sudden woke up beside me.
"I'm gonna check on her." I quickly said as I got up and left the room. Walking into Lilly's room, I noticed she was sitting upright in bed, tears drenching her face.
"What's wrong, Lilly?" I asked as I kneeled next to her bed.
"Bad dream." She said through sobs.
"What was it about?"
"You and papa took me back. You said I was a bad girl."
"Oh, Lilly." I set her in my lap and hugged her tightly. "Papa and I would never take you back. Never." I kissed the top of her head lightly. Mark appeared in the doorway.
"What's wrong?"
"She had a bad dream."
"About?" I mouthed 'we brought her back' to him. His eyes went wide. Lilly hugged me tightly.
"I don't want to go back. They were mean." I rubbed her back and she sobbed some more against me. I looked up at Mark, who motioned his head towards our bedroom. I gave him a questioning look while pointing at Lilly. He simply nodded. I smiled.
"How about you come and sleep with me and papa tonight?" She nodded her head slowly. I carried to our room and set her on the bed. Mark crawled in on his side next to her. I quickly grabbed something from by my TV and hid it behind my back. Lilly gave me a questioning look as I sat beside her. Setting the item in her lap, she stared at it in awe.
"This is Tiny Box Tim. He'll keep you safe and keep all the bad dreams away." Mark started talking in his 'Tiny Box Tim' voice, making Lilly giggle at him.
"Papa's funny!" Soon enough, Lilly was out like a light. I carefully laid down next to her and covered all of us up.
"You make a great mother, you know." Mark whispered.
"You think?" I could see him nod, even in the darkness. He lightly kissed me.
"I love you, (y/n)."
"I love you too, Mark." I listened for a bit longer as Mark fell asleep, before tiredness made me fall asleep as well.

And that's a wrap on chapter 9! Go ahead and leave comments it you want to, and I will see you all in the next chapter! Later lovelies!

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