Chapter 3

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Your POV

Today's officially my birthday. As usual, I got a call from mom, along with a present that came in the mail. I always loved hearing her voice. She had to get back to work, but she promised to call me again soon. Then she hung up. I really didn't expect much for my birthday. Never did. He never wanted to celebrate anything. The best I ever got from him was a coupon, but it was always so I could get him more cigarettes. Since I didn't expect much, I just sat around in my pj's and played GTA5 online. I kept yelling into my headset while people kept killing me. Time flew by. I was yelling at one dude who accidently shot me on the military base when there was a knock at my door.
"BRB guys."
I got up and opened my door. Mark and Sean were standing there with a few things I couldn't see.
"Happy birthday!" I stared at them. A smile spread across my face.
"You guys remembered!"
"How could we forget?!?" Mark shouted at me.
"We have these gifts here, but we also have one more suprise. Walk back a few steps and close your eyes." Sean stated. I did as I was told. Then I noticed it: 3 pairs of footsteps walked inside. I freaked out silently. What if it was him?!? If it was, I was running far and fast. I stayed silent for a couple of moments. The front door shut.
"Ok. You can open your eyes now." Sean said. I opened them slowly, but as soon as they were fully opened, I started to cry. It was the one person I wanted to see the most in the world: my twin brother, Jake. I put my hands over my mouth to try and hold back the whimpers that were escaping in. Tears were forming in his eyes as well. I slowly walked up to him, all while making sure that it wasn't a dream. Thank god it wasn't. I stood in front of him.
"I-I thought you live in Ireland... how'd you get here?"
"I've been living here on my own for the past 3 years as of yesterday."
I stared up at him. Even if he was my twin, he had grown a little taller than me.
"God... you've grown up so much."
"You have too, (y/n)." I held his face in my hands. Then I threw myself at him and squeezed him in a hug.
"I've missed you, Jake."
"I've missed you too. Happy birthday, butthead."
I silently cried into his neck. I missed him so god damn much over the years. They only thing I ever got to hear was his voice, especially when it went through puberty. I had to laugh at that.
"What's so funny?" He asked, pulling away from me.
"I just remembered you voice when you were going through puberty." I finally stepped away from him.
"Where'd you two find this asshole?" I asked the other two.
"He actually lives about five minutes from here. And that's by waking." Mark stated. I hugged Sean first, then a longer one for Mark.
"Thank you." We talked for a while. I got off my game beforehand though. After a couple of hours of talking, laughing, and nearly choking on air by laughing, the boys each pulled out a different bag.
"Are these..."
"Yeah. Open them!" Sean shouted.
"Hold on." I ran up to my room. Quickly searching my room, my eyes finally landed on a box in the corner of the room. I grabbed it, and ran back downstairs. They all looked at me as I sat back down. I handed Jake the box.
"I was gonna mail it tomorrow, but since you're here, I might as well give it to you." He gladly took it from my hands. I opened Jake's gift first. It was a locket with a picture of us in it when we were just kids. The other side had mom in it. There was also a pair of black diamond earrings.
"Jake... these are beautiful."
"Thanks. I'll open your gift real quick."
He opened the box and found a doctor who t-shirt, a Keychain with us as kids in it, and a hand made pokéball colored hat.
"Did you make this?" He asked as he held up the hat.
"Maybe." I couldn't help but smile.
"Thanks, (y/n)." He put the hat on. Next, I opened Sean's gift. He got me a shirt with my logo on it, beautifully designed, and a bracelet that had three charms on it.
"Did you make this?" I asked as I held up the shirt.
"Yep. I thought you could use your very own logo, since last I knew, you didn't have one."
"Thanks, Sean. What about the charm bracelet?"
"Each charm is something we picked out. In other words, each one represents one of us."
"I'm gonna guess that the blue and green four leaf clover is you."
"Yep. What's Mark?" I studied the other two closely.
"The squirrel with the tiny crown is Mark. Then that would mean that Jake is the blue rose." They all nodded in agreement.
"How'd you figure that one out?" Mark asked.
"Mark is said to be the 'king of squirrels' , and Jake's favorite color is blue, while his favorite flower is a rose."
"The woman knows too much is what it is." Jake joked. We all laughed at each other. Last but not least, I opened Mark's gifts. The first one was a necklace that had a heart with a diamond in the center for the pendant.
"This is beautiful Mark." I opened the second gift. It was a Tiny Box Tim plush! There was a note taped to his hand, though. I giggled and asked "What's this?" I took it off of him and opened the note.
Dear (y/n),
I know we haven't really known each other in person for long, but I have to admit, I've liked you ever since I saw you be an inspiration to people on YouTube. You seemed to hide something about you, something that I always wanted to find out. I don't know if you like me the same way, but I hope you do. So I'm going to ask you this question in a note: will you go out with me?
I stared at the note for a few moments longer before getting up and hugging Mark tightly. Tears formed in my eyes again.
"Yes. I'll go out with you." Mark smiled and kissed me lightly.
"You know you just took my first kiss, right?"
"Really? I wasn't expecting that." He leaned in and kissed me again.
"It's true! Growing up, I never really had any time for anything romantic." We talked for a couple more hours before my phone started going off in the kitchen.
"Be right back!" I went and looked at the caller ID. Unknown number. I answered it and was greeted by the voice I never wanted to hear again.
"Hello... (y/n)." My father said with his raspy voice on the other end of the line.

Dun dun dun! What's gonna happen to you? Only I know! There's chapter 3 for you guys. Go ahead and leave comments if you want to, and I'll see you guys in the next chapter. Later lovelies!

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