Chapter 19

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Your POV

It's been five years since I had Tim. We actually had another little girl about three years back. Her name is Emily Teresa Fischbach. It's been amazing with three kids. They all get along really well with each other. Right now, it's Tim's first day of kindergarten, and Lilly's first day of being in the 5th grade. We were driving them to their schools at the moment. Tim was first. Mark walked him inside. A few minutes later, he came back out and hopped back into the car. We dropped Lilly off at the middle school. I opened my window.
"Love you, Lilly!"
"Love you too, mom!" She disappeared into the school.
"Am I gonna go here one day?" Emily asked from the backseat.
"One day, sweetheart. One day." We drove back to the house. After we got there, Emily rushed inside to go play with her toys.
"I'll go and start getting dinner ready." Mark nodded, kissed me, and went to go record a few videos. After a couple of hours, Mark came back up from the basement. He played with Emily while I was taking care of a few bills. Thing is, over the years, I rarely touched the money in my bank account. The 2 billion dollar had barely been touched. The only time we really did touch it was when we wanted to get the best of things, and that wasn't too often. We were happy with what we had. After another hour, I put Emily down for a nap and went to record my videos. After a hour, Emily came down and went right back to sleep on me as I was editing a video. It was the same thing that Tim and Lilly both did when they were younger. I guess it's comfortable. It's not like I mind it at all. After a few more minutes, Emily woke up and we went back upstairs after I uploaded the video. Mark and Jake greeted us when we came back up.
"Oh, (y/n)! I have a gift for you and Mark." He handed me a bag. I opened it to find a book inside. When I opened the book, I found one of the most adorable things I could ever find. It was a photo album. I opened it to see pictures of us over the years in in. Lilly asleep on my while I was editing a video. Mark proposing to me. Mine and Mark's wedding. The day Tim was born. Tim's first birthday, when he decided to throw cake into Mark's face. Me pregnant with Emily. The day Emily was born. Emily's first birthday, when she decided to fall asleep in her cake. Each of Lilly's first days of school. There were many more pictures of all of us in there. I quickly went and printed a picture of Tim on his first day and put it in the album.
"How long have you been making this for?"
"A few years, now." Jake stated. Emily started looking through it herself. She was surprised to see herself in there when she was younger. We played games, cooked, and talked for a few more hours before the bus dropped Lilly and Tim off at the end of the driveway. They walked up the driveway holding hands. As soon as they walked into the door, they were attacked by a little Emily.
"Homework before playtime!" Emily looked dissapointed, but let them go. They got their homework done quickly. After they were done, they all went up to Lilly's room to play together. I went back to finishing supper. Mark and Jake started to play video games. We all froze when we heard a crash come from Lilly's room, along with what sounded like Emily crying. I ran upstairs to see what happened, only to find Emily sitting in Lilly's lap, while Tim was rubbing her back. They were both trying to comfort her.
"What happened?"
"She accidently ran into the dollhouse. She tripped, and it fell on top of her." Lilly told me, then went back to looking at Emily.
"You ok, Em?" She slowly stopped crying and nodded. I was suprised at how well Lilly handled the situation before her. We all walked back downstairs. Tim brought his toys out of his room to play with. I went back to putting the finishing touches on dinner. Mark came over and hugged me from behind.
"What happened?"
"Emily had the dollhouse fall on her on accident. Lilly and Tim both calmed her down together." I could feel Mark smile into my neck.
"We must've raised them well, for them to have handled the situation very well."
"Yeah. Must've." He stayed with his arms wrapped around my waist as I finished preparing a salad for dinner. Soon enough, everything was done.
"My kids and the bigger kid! Dinner!" I yelled at them and Jake. He smiled when I called him a bigger kid. We all sat down and everyone started to dig in.
"Lilly! What did I tell you about trying to force your brother to eat salad with you."
"You told me not to, but he wanted to try it since it had ranch on it this time!"
"It's true, mama! I did!"
"And did you like it?"
"It was better than before, but I still don't like it as well." I laughed at them. Soon enough, supper was done and it was time for the kids to go to bed. Mark got Tim while I got Lilly. We both met up at Emily's door and put her to bed together. After they were all in bed, we went to our own room. I got changed while Mark was trying to find something good to watch, but I had a feeling he was watching me more that he was watching the TV. I laid down next to him and snuggled up to him. After a while of watching TV, we decided to go to bed. We were cuddling when Mark said "I love you, (y/n)."
"I love you too, Markimoo." We had the perfect house, the perfect family. I had the best husband I could ask for. There's nothing more I could ask for out of life, because everything was just... perfect.

And that brings our story to a close. Go ahead and leave comments about what you thought about the story if you want to. I will see you all in another story if I make another one. Later lovelies!

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