Chapter 13

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Your POV

It's been over a year since that night. He's still a constant worry in the back of my mind. You wonder why? It's because he still escaped from the cops even after I shot his tires by running on foot. He's still at large. That's what worries me: the fact that he's still on the lose. Mark's told me to stop worrying as much, but I can't. Not until he's truly behind bars. Even with that in mind, my job has been only growing. I hit 5 million subscribers! And I've been invited to go to PAX with the rest of the gang. The only downside to that is that I have to leave Lilly. Jake promised to stay with her, but I'm still a little sad. Right now, we're actually about to leave to go to PAX. Jake's staying at my house until we get back.
"I love you, honey. Don't worry. We'll be home soon." I kissed her on the forehead.
"I know. I love you too, mama." We said our goodbyes and left. I can't stop worrying that sometime bad is going to happen, but I decide to put it it the back of my mind for now. Right now, I should just look forward to the journey ahead.

Jake's POV

As soon as they all left, me and Lilly rushed inside the house.
"Ok, remember the plan?"
"Yep! Follow mama down tomorrow, suprise her, and make her happy!"
"Good! Now let's go get you packed real quick." I followed her up to her room and helped her pack all of her necessities. As soon as that was said and done, we spent the rest of the day playing together. I put her to bed. We were both ready to drive to PAX and surprise the living shit out of (y/n).

Your POV

I knew it from before, and I've just had more of a realization of it now. Driving can be boring or frustrating as hell, especially when you're stuck with a load of guys who keep arguing about directions on the GPS. I'm glad I took a road map (recently made one) with us.
"No! We need to go down this interstate!" Felix shouted at Mark. They didn't even notice when I turned down a highway that I marked on my map.
"Don't make me turn this car around!"
They immediately shut up. The rest of the car ride there was pretty peaceful after that. We got to our hotel and got to out rooms. Everybody went to sleep so tomorrow could come faster. Soon enough, morning came and we all went to the convention. We spent the day meeting our fans, taking selfies  with them, and just goofing off in general. I was really suprised at how many people were there to meet me. I thought there would maybe be as couple hundred, but no. It was more like a thousand or better. They either wanted my autograph, to meet me, get a picture with me, give a gift they made to me, tell me how much of a hero I was to them, or a combination of any or all things. It almost brought me to tears every now and then. The day went by pretty fast after that. The next day, the same thing. After we met all the fans we could for the day, we went back to the hotel. I couldn't wait for tomorrow, because tomorrow we were doing the panels. It was gong to be scary, but I honestly couldn't wait.

Jake's POV

Lilly was in the backseat, quietly eating her happy meal, when I said "we're here!" I just pulled up to our hotel. I planned it out, so that we booked the room right above (y/n), without her knowledge of it. The only person who knew that we were coming here was Felix, and that's only because he helped us plan it. I took Lilly up to our room. She ran around happily. By the time we got there, it was getting close to 10 PM. In other words, they would be getting back soon.
"Lilly! We gotta be quiet so we can suprise mom!" She stopped dead in her tracks.
"Sorry, uncle Jake!" She hopped onto the bed next to mine. I got her ready for bed.
"Do you really think mama will like this suprise?"
"I think she'll love it." I kissed her forehead. "I'm gonna take a shower real quick. If you want to, watch TV or go to sleep, but as soon as I'm done, it's time to go to bed."
"Ok, uncle Jake." I went to take a shower. As the water was running down my face, my mind kept racing about all the possibilities that could come tomorrow. She could get sick and not be able to see (y/n). (Y/n) could be really happy and keep her on stage with her. As I kept thinking, more bad outcomes kept popping into my head. I quickly shook them away.
"Guess mom was right about how we worry to much, especially on her side of the family." I got out of the shower and dried off. After I put on my clothes, I stepped out of the bathroom, only to find my niece already asleep. I quietly chuckled and covered her up.
"Night, Lilly." Getting into my own bed, I shut off the light and went to sleep. I'm pretty sure that we were both excited for tomorrow.

Your POV

"I can't believe how many people are here." I said quietly to Mark. We were both backstage, looking out at how many people were already out in the auditorium.
"Yeah, but you'll be great. Don't worry." The panel included all of us: me, Mark, Bob, Wade, Felix, Ken, and Sean. Soon enough, the time came to where we had to actually get our asses on stage. Mark introduced everybody, including himself. I sat in an armchair to the very right of everybody (when you're looking out into the crowd), Mark sat closest to me on the 3-4 seat sofa they had out with Bob, Wade, and Sean, Felix sat on one of the other two armchairs, and Ken sat in the other one. We started the whole show by playing 'cards against humanity.' The game took a turn for the worse after the first few minutes. I won the game. After that was said and done, we had the fans wait in a line so they could ask questions. Some of them actually had gifts to give us. One of the fans stepped up on the right side.
"First off, I wanted to say thank you for letting me speak to you guys. Also, I have a gift for (y/n), if I can give it to you now."
"That would be fine!" I got up and got the gift from her. I also gave her a hug in the process. After I sat back down, she asked "I was wondering if you had brought your daughter along, and if you did, if we could see her?" I had mentioned Lilly in a few of my videos, and even had her in one with me. The fans went crazy and wanted to meet her for real.
"Actually, I didn't bring her along. She's back at home with my twin brother, Jake." The fan looked a little dissapointed.
"Actually, there's a little suprise that we've been keeping a secret for the past week." Felix all of a sudden spoke up. He motioned his hand for someone to come out form backstage. I looked back, only to have a smile spread across my face. There standing before me was my little girl.

That's a wrap on chapter 13! Go ahead and leave comments if you want to, and I will see you all in the next chapter! Later lovelies!

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