Chapter 8

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Mark's POV

I can't lie when I say that I was shocked that (y/n) brought a little girl home with her. I remember her though. Her name is Lillian. She was at the hospital at the same time (y/n) was. I walked up to Jake and asked "Why?"
"She wanted to save her. Plus doesn't Lilly remind you of someone?"
"She reminds me of a younger version of (y/n)." Sean stated from behind me.
"I remember that she called me 'pretty.' What did she mean by 'save her'?"
"Apparently, Lilly was being bullied at the orphanage. The last time it was so bad that she ended up in the hospital. (Y/n) doesn't want her to go through that anymore. So she adopted her." I nodded. Then the girls came back downstairs.
"Can we play with everyone soon, mama?"
"Soon, baby. Soon." The way Lillian called (y/n) 'mama,' and how (y/n) returned it by calling her 'baby' just had a nice ring in my ears. I should hear that more often.
"Do you want to go to the basement?"
"But aren't there big bad monsters down there?"
"No. Mama made sure she got rid of them all when she moved in, and Mark has been keeping the house safe since mama's been gone."
"Is that true?!?" Lillian asked as she spun towards me. I couldn't help but smile.
"Yeah, it's true. Ya know, come to think of it, I never saw where you're stationed for videos. Mind if I tag along?"
"Sure." She opened the stairs to the basement. When we got down there, I was amazed. It was actually very cozy.
"So... where does mama work?"
"She works right here..." (y/n) stated as she opened a door to a room off to the side. As I looked in, I saw all of her equipment was neatly lined up to work with one another in harmony. There were a few picture frames laying about with different ones inside them. One was of all of us at her birthday party. Another was her and Jake when they were kids. The last one was of us not to long ago. (Y/n) and I went to dinner a couple of nights before the 'incident.' As soon as we got back, Jake suprised us with a picture. Then he took a better one of us after we finished laughing. By the time he actually did take the second picture, (y/n) had kissed me on the cheek. He somehow got it at that moment, and that was the picture she had framed of us.
"I guess someone likes that picture a lot." She playfully punched me in he arm.
"So what does mama do?"
"Well..." (y/n) picked Lilly up and set her in her lap as she sat down in her chair. "Mama makes videos for people to watch on here." She pointed at her computer. She turned it on, and a picture of her mother, brother and herself was displayed on the background.
"Does anything else happen?"
"Well... every now and then, I get a call from a friend because they want to play a game with me." Then her Skype started to go off.

Your POV

I looked to see who was calling me. Turns out, it was Felix, better known as pewdiepie.
"Guys, pull up chairs so you don't look like dorks." They laughed lightly at my comment and each went to get a chair. Mark got dibs on my other computer chair. As soon as they were situated, I answered the call. It looked like Felix was in a moving vehicle.
"Hey man!"
"Hey there- Woah! Child present!"
I laughed at him. "Yes. This is my daughter. Say hi to Felix, Lilly."
"Hi, mister!" She said happily. Felix beamed.
"Well, hello there cutie!" She giggled at him.
"Anyways... whatcha need Felix?"
"Oh yeah! Thanks for reminding me. I wanted to know if you guys wanted to do a collab soon?"
"That's sounds great, Felix! When?"
He looked around him before answering me.
"Well figure that out later. First, all of you go outside after you hang up." I gave him a suspicious look, but followed his orders nonetheless. We all went outside, and we were all suprised by what we saw. Bob, Mandy, Wade, Molly, Felix, and Ken were all standing outside my house. Tears started forming in my eyes. Lilly started pulling on my hand. I picked her up as she asked "Mama, why are you crying? Are you sad?"
"No, sweetie. I'm really happy." Everyone rushed up to meet us in person.
"What're you guys doing here?!?" Sean shouted at them.
"We moved! Bob and Mandy got the house next door from here, and Wade and Molly got the house next to them. They're letting me and Ken crash with them until we find our own places."
Mark pulled me and Lilly into his embrace. "There's actually a question I've been meaning to ask you." He whispered in my ear. He sent shivers down my spine when he did that.
"What is it, Mark?"
"Would you care if I moved in? I mean, we are already really close." I set Lilly on my hip and turned my head towards him.
"Of course I wouldn't mind. In fact, I would love it if you did." He smiled and kissed me in the lips.
"So Mark is staying with us now?"
"Yes, sweetie. Mark is staying with us now."
She smiled brightly.
"So you guys can take my house, and I'll move in with my girlfriend. Sound like a plan?" They nodded in agreement. We got Mark moved in, and everyone else got themselves situated. Somehow, we all got done after 1:30. Then I noticed that a little missy was rubbing her eyes pretty good.
"Alright guys. Keep the noise down." I told everyone as I took Lilly to her room. Everyone had decided to come over to my house to relax.
"I don't want to take a nap." Lilly stated sleepily.
"But you need to to grow big and strong." As soon as her head hit the pillow, she fell asleep. Now all that was left was to go and record some videos for the day.

That's a wrap on chapter 8! Go ahead and leave comments if you want to, and I will see you all in the next chapter! Later lovelies!

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