Chapter 1 ~ The new student

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Chapter 1 ~ The new student

~September 25, 2013~

~Niall's POV~

Three months have passed since that horrible night in the woods. I still don't know what exactly happened there.

I saw nobody who could have spoken back then, but I was scared. I'm still trying to figure out if it was real or if it was just the wind and my mind made it sound like someone said my name.

Goosebumps are forming on my skin as I think back to that night. I'm glad I didn't pee my pants.

The reason I'm still thinking it could have been real is that the horrible feeling of someone watching me didn't stop. It is there every minute, all day long.

The first few weeks I was really uncomfortable with it. It frustrated me not to know who was watching me.

The feeling is still there. This very moment and I still don't know who is watching me, but I took peace with it two months ago, even though it's still a bit scary while it's dark outside. Like a murderer is watching me and waiting for the right moment to attack me.
I learned to shrug it off.

Maybe I'm just going mad. My friends always said I am a bit crazy, so why not. But, deep in my mind, I know I'm not mad. I'm not imagining things. 

I open my curtains and the sunlight invades my room. The sky is a beautiful blue, predicting a good day.

It's 7.00 am, time to get ready for school, which started almost a month ago. I walk to my closet, quickly grab some clothes, not really caring if it matches or not, dress and run down the stairs. My mother has already made some breakfast for me. Bacon and eggs lay on a plate on my side of the table.

"Good morning." My mom says and smiles at me. "Morning." I greet her and sit down on. "Thanks, mom. This smells delicious." I say and dig in. My mother always makes the best food. And I love my food. And my mom too of course.

After I finish breakfast I run back upstairs to the bathroom. I brush my teeth and do my hair, styling it up in some sort of quiff. Now I'm ready to go to school.

I grab my school bag and go back downstairs. "Bye, mom!" I say and kiss her cheek before I open the front door.

"Be careful honey and much fun in school." I hear my mom say before I close the door again. I shake my head. She always says that before I leave, but I love her. 

I walk to my car. My new car, may I add. The other one broke down completely one week after the incident in the woods. I was actually happy about it. I could finally buy a new car. The money I had saved was enough to buy myself a decent car. One that doesn't look like it's ready for the dump.

The first thing I put in it was two flashlights, in case one of the two doesn't work anymore. You never know what might happen and I don't want to risk another breakdown in the dark without a flashlight.

I slam the door close after I got in. Then I put the keys in the contact and turn the car on. I smile when I hear the motor start up, but then I freeze.

The feeling... It's gone. Nobody is watching me anymore. The smile on my face gets brighter. Finally! I can almost do a happy dance right now, but that's not a good idea since I'm in a car. I have my privacy back!

With a good feeling, I drive to the road, waving one last time to my mother before I completely leave for school.


"NIALL!" Is the first thing I hear as I get out of the car. Before I have time to lift my head, I am tackled in a tight hug. "I missed you so much." My friend Louis says as he squeezes me harder.

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