Chapter 12 ~ More glares

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Chapter 12 ~ More glares

~September 29, 2013~

~Niall's POV~

We arrive at school right on time for the last class of the day. I walk in with Zayn's hand in mine. Unfortunately, the teacher didn't allow me to sit next to my boyfriend, but I sit in between Liam and Louis. What is good.

I smile when I see Louis already sitting in his place, but it soon falters when I see the glare he is giving Zayn. 

Oh right, he read the letter too.

"Hi, Louis. Liam." I say and sit down at my desk when Liam arrives too. 

Louis and Liam just say "Hi." back and ignore Zayn who is leaning over my desk to kiss my cheek.

"Sit down class." The teacher walks in just when the bell rings and puts her stuff on the desk. "You too, Zayn." She raises an eyebrow when she sees me and Zayn kissing passionately.

I whine when Zayn pulls away. "Let's go on later today." He says and smirks before walking to his place on the other side of the room. Liam is glaring at him and I can practically see the smoke come out from his ears.

What's wrong with him?

The lesson starts and immediately I start staring at Zayn. The memories of what happened earlier in the woods are playing in my mind. 

I shudder at the thought of that half-dead Hell Hound. I wonder if there are other monsters which are as scary as them. 

Well, actually, I don't want to know. I've always seen Hell and its inhabitants as dreadful creatures you must avoid. Until recently I didn't even know they were real.

And now they are after me to kill me.

Lucifer, the devil himself, wants me dead because I'm in love with his son.

I'm ripped out of my thoughts by a stinging pain in his shoulder. I yelp and look at Louis.

He had stabbed me with his compass. 

"Louis!" I whisper-yell at him. I don't want the teacher to give me another warning look after the yelp from earlier.

"You wouldn't pay attention to me! I was calling you for five minutes now." He whispers back.

"So what, you stab me with your compass? That hurts you know." 

Louis chuckles. "At least it worked." 

"Don't ever do that again."

"Well, depends on where you are in your thoughts the next time I want to talk with you." 

I sigh. "What do you want to talk about then?" 

"Well, yesterday I went on a date with Harry." He starts telling with a happy glimmer in his eyes. "And, you know, we are..." 

"Together now?" I cut him off.

Louis blinks confusedly. "Yeah, how did you know? I am telling you this first."

I smile at him and say. "Harry was the one who asked me if it would be a good idea to ask you out. So, I told him to go for it."

Louis' mouth falls open in understanding. "Oh."

"Yeah, by the way, if you have Harry, why did you steal Zayn's pink boxers?"

Immediately a proud smile spreads over Louis' face when I mention it. "I told you they were interesting, plus, they do look good on me." He pulls his shirt up and to my surprise, I see the edge of Zayn's pink boxers.

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