Chapter 9 ~ The date

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Chapter 9 ~ The date

~Septmeber 28, 2013~

~Niall's POV~

"Okay." I hear myself say before I can stop it. 'What are you doing, Niall? This boy isn't right. He's dangerous and most certain not human.' I scold myself. 

A massive grin forms on Zayn's face. "Great." He says. "After school then." 

I feel myself nod. "Sure." I say. 

Then the table starts to talk again. Louis is asking Zayn all kind of things, but I'm not really listening.

Most certainly not human... It's true. I saw the evidence.

First, the pitch black eyes. Every time that happens, something weird happens, my gasoline which disappeared, the names on Mr. Hensen's list. 

Second, how he was the earlier at my car than me, even though I was first out of the classroom. I didn't see him pass me in the corridor and he couldn't have jumped out of the window since we had a class on the second floor of the building.

Third, the dreams. Ever since I first saw him, they started. I even start to doubt the first dream was a dream. I still remember the dark figure jumping out of my window, and the day after Zayn had been surprised I still could remember the dream.

Then you also had the feather. He ripped it out of my hand. I don't believe it's a gift from his mother. Now I think about it, the feather resembled the feathers of Zayn's wings the other day in my dream. The feather on his tattoo is of the same length too.

And he broke the wall, with his phone. I can't do that, no matter how hard I try. His strength isn't human. 

Yup, the boy isn't human. Dangerous even, but I can't help but feel attracted to him. I want to stay away from him, but at the same time, I want to be closer. His kisses are the best I've ever had and I know I'm falling for him. No, I fell for him. I do like him a lot. It's like the dangerous side of him pulls me closer, even though somewhere I know I can get myself killed. 

I sigh. I can't let him know I found out. I have to act normal around him. The only thing that will change is that I won't fight my feelings anymore. I won't be annoyed with his flirting. I'm just gonna enjoy it.

All I have to do is figure out what he is.


"Ready?" Zayn asks he drives out of the parking lot.

"As ready as I'll ever be." I answer him. Actually, I'm kinda nervous for our date. I wonder what we're going to do. Something dangerous? "Where are we going?" 

Zayn chuckles. "Don't worry. You'll like it." He's not going to give me a decent answer. Don't push him. I don't want him to get mad.

I watch as the town flashes by. Soon we are in the woods surrounding the town, but we don't stop here.

"You aren't kidnapping me, are you?" I ask joking and look at Zayn. He laughs amused and shakes his head. 

"You and your weird imagination." He says. "Don't worry, we're almost there." His eyes look for a split second in mine before going back to the road. 

We drive five more minutes before Zayn stops the car. There is no living soul in view except for us. Not even a house. I wonder what we're doing here.

"Come on. We have to walk for a little bit." Zayn says after we stepped out of the car. He smiles and offers me his hand. I smile back and gladly take his hand. 

Zayn leads me through the woods. There is no path. How does Zayn even know where he is going? 

"Okay, come here." Zayn says and stops suddenly. He stands behind me and places his hands over my eyes. "Trust me." He says and starts walking forward again.

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