Chapter 21 ~ Heaven

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Chapter 21 ~ Heaven

~October 8, 2013~

~Niall's POV~

I never expected to go to heaven before I died, but it is what it is. I'd rather be alive, to be honest.

Liam is bringing me now back to Earth. He's still carrying me in his arms. Luckily most of the monsters are sleeping by now. Liam is skilled in dodging them.

Finally, we reach the fire were through I can see Earth again. Now we only have to go through the burning pain of the flames again.

I close my eyes and prepare myself. I feel the warmth on my skin, this time I don't really feel the flames cause of Liam's wings. They form some sort of barrier when we break through the fire. 

I open my eyes when I feel grass underneath my feet. Finally back. I never want to go back to Hell.

"Thank you!" I yell and hug Liam tightly. 

"You're welcome." Liam says and smiles. Suddenly my eyes land on a person standing behind Liam. My eyes widen when I see the black wings.

"Demon!" I yell and Liam spins around. I can't be caught already. I don't wanna go back. I'm just free.

"Please don't take me back. Let me go. Zayn is fighting already. Leave me alone please." I start begging the girl. 

She frowns and looks at me with amusement. I'm more than confused when she starts laughing at the end of my rant. 


"Okay, I won't do any harm." She says and walks over to Liam. She hands him a necklace and smiles at him. "Thank you for keeping your promise this time."

"Wait... what?" I bring out.

Liam chuckles. "Well, Niall, this is Mary. She is an old friend." He explains.

"Friend?" I ask not believing him. "A demon?" 

Mary smiles. "I used to be an angel, you know? And I want to be good again." 

"And I am sure she will be again" Liam immediately agrees. "You're good at heart. I know from when we were kids." Then he turns to look at me. "We have known each other for a long time."

"Oh," I say, not fully trusting Mary yet. "That's lovely! Now, we have a world to save. We need to go to Heaven." 

Mary looks confused at me. "You are Niall Horan, right?" She asks.

"Yes, and I can't go to Heaven without a ride. I'm just human you know." I answer her. 

"Now, please!" I ask when no one does something.

"Right." Liam says and picks me up again. With a few flaps of his wings, we are high up in the sky. Mary is straight behind us.

"How far to Heaven?" I ask, holding on tight. It's still scary to fly without any safety, but I trust Liam.

"We are almost there already." He answers.

For a few minutes we fly in silence before we finally see a large gate appear on one of the clouds.

"That are the gates to Heaven." Liam explains. "Only when you are in presence of an angel you can enter."

"Oh, well, good you are with us then." 

I study the gates. I don't see anything special with them. Yeah, they are big and from shiny gold, but that's it. I don't even see a sign of Heaven.

"Come on then." Liam says and takes Mary's hand in his. With his other he takes mine.

"Dude, this is not the moment to flirt with me." I protest and Liam sighs. 

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