Chapter 3 ~ One scary night

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Chapter 3 ~ One scary night

~September 25, 2013~

~Niall's POV~

Never before I was so happy when school was over. I almost fist pump when I hear the annoying tinkle of the rusty bell in the corridor next to the classroom. Finally free from the creepy stalker with the golden brown eyes.

Zayn had followed me the whole day, not once leaving my side. He claimed to be new and since I was his only 'friend' here, I had to guide him to every lesson. Turns out he has every single lesson with me.

I tried to stay polite to him, but it was difficult. He always had his arm around my waist when we walked to classes, making me feel uncomfortable and other people look at us. I even got some jealous glares from girls, but I understand. The new sexy student had his arm wrapped around my waist and they know I'm gay. It's not really a secret.

And then, when the last period ends, I jump up from my chair, gather my stuff as fast as I can and run out of the classroom, making sure that Zayn is far behind.

I send Louis a text to tell him I'm going home already. I hope he understands that I want to go as far away as possible from Zayn. He might be hot and sexy and I want to kiss his perfe... No! I don't want that. He's a creep.

Anyway, so I run to the parking lot to my car, but stop dead in my tracks. Zayn is leaning against my car. How did he reach it faster than me? He was still sitting in his chair when I was already running out of the classroom. 

"Hello, love." He says when he sees me. "Why the rush?"

I can barely hold myself from groaning out loud. I thought I finally got rid of him for today!

"My mom wants me home." I lie quickly. "So, if you don't mind." I get in my car and close the door. Then I put the key in the contact and look in the rearview mirror. Zayn is still standing there, looking at my car. For a split second, I thought his eyes turned black again, but I shrug it off.

'If he isn't going to move, I'll just drive over him.' I think bitterly and turn the key. The motor of my car starts up, but then it starts spluttering and goes off. 

I raise an eyebrow. What the fuck was that? I try to start it up again, but it doesn't work. Then I see that I'm out of gas. How is that possible? I just tanked yesterday evening. Great. How am I going to go home now? I don't want to walk. This time, I do groan out loud and bang my head against the steering wheel.

My head snaps back up when I hear a tapping against the window. It is Zayn, signing me to open the window. I sigh and do as he asks.

"Need a lift?" He asks and smiles. I think about it.

"Nah, I'll just walk home," I say and get out of my car. Without saying another word to Zayn I start walking to the street. It will take me at least two hours before I reach home like this, but everything is better than getting a lift from Zayn. 

"Hey!" I hear him yell after me and I can hear his footsteps after me. Before I know it, he has grabbed my wrist and turned me around to face him. 

"You will get a lift from me. I insist." He says, not releasing me.

"No, thank you." I try. "I don't want to be a burden."

Zayn shakes his head. "No, Niall. What if something happens to you? I won't forgive myself when I know I could have stopped you. And besides, you said that your mother needs you home."

I look in his eyes and for once I see real concern. It's not the usual flirtatious or amused look. Maybe I should give him a chance. With a sigh, I give in. "Okay, but only this once."

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