Chapter 18 ~ Potion

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Chapter 18 ~ Potion

~October 7, 2013~

~Niall's POV~

I'm finally done after a few tiring hours of work. The work Lucifer ordered me to do is unreasonable and useless. I had to replace a pile of wood exactly three centimeters to the right.

For the rest of the day had been cleaning rooms of the palace in record times. If I didn't do it right or good enough, the whole chamber had to be done again.

In every single thing I did, a guard was watching me.One of these scary skeleton ones without eyes. Still, I could feel their eyes on my back in everything I did.

I even learned, while cleaning his basket and feeding him, that Cerberus is a very nice dog. I would like to have him as a pet. The only disadvantage is that you have to pay attention to three heads, so also buy food for three dogs. But Cerberus is very nice.

I hope I will be dead soon or saved by Zayn because I don't know how long I can hold this up. I'm pretty weak and right now, all I want to do is sleep, but I'm not allowed yet. Lucifer wants to see me again first.

I'm walking through the corridors with Mullin and Andras next to me. They are joking and trying to get me happy. It's not working.

The two guys seem good friends of each other. They even look like each other. I assume they are brothers or something.

"Guys?" I ask and they both turn their head in my direction on the same time.

"What?" They then ask in sync.

"I was wondering, are you brothers or something?" 

"Not brothers." Andras says.

"But cousins." Mullin adds. They sure do function together.

"Oh." I say.

Andras smiles. "I know why you asked. We do look a lot like each other, huh?"

I nod shyly when he wraps his arm around my shoulder. 

"The only difference is," He whispers in my ear like Mullin can't know what he's about to say. "I am the head of the army here and my dear cousin is only an officer. My head officer, but still a grade lower than me."

"I heard that!" Mullin says and whacks Andras against the head.

"But it's true!" Andras says and holds the sore spot on his head. 

"Well, I'm older than you, so that makes up for that. Plus, I'm taller." A smirk plays on Mullin's mouth.

"And my wings are bigger!" Andras fires back.

"Huh, my dick is bigger." 

Andras slaps his hand over his ears. "Aah! I didn't need to hear that, you motherfucker." He says and now it's his turn to whack Mullin against his head.

I watch the duo in amusement when they chase after each other in the dark corridors of the palace. Now and then I can hear one of their voices yell 'aw'. 

They actually managed to make me forget about the situation I'm currently in. It's nice to forget everything sometimes. 

I remember how only a few hours ago, I had disliked the cousins, but now they are my relief in this dark place.

Much sooner than I like, we arrive at the beautiful doors to the throne room. I know Lucifer will be waiting for me and a cold shiver runs down my spine.

"I'm sorry, mate, but Lucifer's will is law. You have to face him again." Andras says and Mullin pats my back. "It will be okay. He won't kill you yet."

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