The Arrangement_4

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Unfortunately the month had passed, and while I did find myself in a decent job I could turn into a career I did not find a guy.

I tried to hide the depression that was beginning to set in, was I really so horrible that no guy in Dallas would Date me.

I was starting to think that I needed to thank my mom for actually finding a guy willing to go out with me, then I realized that this isn't a movie, this guy is probably super gross looking but well off, or super hot but a complete jerk.

My friends invited me to a new club, I declined, clubs never really were my thing.

When I got home the topic of guys wasn't brought up.

We ate dinner and then I went up to my room. I called Elise to tell her the little bit I did know about the guy and after we hung up I took a hot bubble bath.

I thumbed through my saddest playlist in my iPod, the songs worked perfectly for my mood.

I tried to find a silver lining but it was too hard, in a couple of days I know I would have to meet this stranger, we would date for god knows how long and then I would marry him.

My future husband.

As I laid in the now cool tub, my bubbles nearly all gone now, I silently prayed that this mystery guy was sweet and caring, kind and gentle, respectful and loving I could settle without the looks, but I can't settle for a guy who treats me like dirt.

I got out and put on some comfy miss matched pajamas. Just as I was about to turn off my lamp my mom walked in.

"I saw your light on, I hope you don't mind." She said softly.

I smiled at her and motioned for her to have a seat in my bed.

"I'm sorry you couldn't find a guy." She sounded sincere. "But sweetheart I think Di-the young man will be good for you."

"Mommy, it's just so strange knowing this is the person i'm going to marry and yet I don't know a thing about him."

"I understand, but then again everybody starts off as strangers." She said, "and when you think about it, why do most people go out on dates anyways?"

"To find a boyfriend or girlfriend." I answered.

"And then what? You just intend on staying boyfriend and girlfriend forever?" She asked with a small smirk.

"I get it mommy, yes people date in hopes that they will one day find someone they can marry and spend the rest of their lives with, this is just, unconventional."

"To you maybe, the royals do it, middle eastern and European cultures do it, if i'm not mistaken some Asian and even some Latin cultures do it as well. I simply arranged my daughter to marry someone, it's not as if I sold you off for two fattened cows and a goat."

I couldn't help but laugh at her reference. "All will work it's self out." She said as she got up.

Her famous last words. I turned off my lamp and laid down.

"Oh and sweetheart, he will be taking you out on Friday night. Good night."

Now my stomach really fell, that was in two days.

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