The Arrangement_21

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Everything was happening in hyperdrive and it was suffocating me.

So I reacted to everything my dads health, my mothers emotional state, the upcoming wedding in a few days, all with the same release; and that was women.

With Lila wrapped up in all things wedding related I knew she wouldn't come looking for me so all sorts of different women paraded in and out of my apartment from dusk till dawn.

I never wanted to be married and I still felt that way, but I know it's something my parents expected of me, and I would do anything or my family. But the fact of the matter was Lila was genuinely starting to grow on me, I liked doing stuff for her. she gorgeous and has been there by my side through some of the hardest shit in my life. she wasn't demanding either,most of the chicks I screw always push for me to date them. They want relationships and marriage and don't hide it, whereas Lila is willing to go as slow or as fast as I want.

The night before my wedding my best man decided to throw me a bachelor party so it was no big deal that I entered some of my old stomping grounds.

My friends pulled out all the stops when they found out it was my last night of freedom.

"What's on tonight's menu?" I asked as I eyed all the scantily clad women waiting in the long line outside of the club.

"Girls and Booze playboy."

I liked the sound of that. As soon as we got into the club, girls swarmed us knowing we were all well off guys at the top of our jobs.

I lost myself in the tirad of sweaty women and too many drinks. club after club we went, faces blurred and the drink had long lost there alcoholic taste. Before I knew I was beyond drunk, but it felt good, it meant I didn't have to think about everything else.

Eventually my friends put me in a taxi with a couple of "party favors" and we went back to my place.

The two girls and I got off the taxi cab and I gave the driver a hundred and he zoomed off.

"Damn it." I laughed hysterically "my phone is in the car."

The girls joined my laughter and we all stumbled into my building.

Once we got to my place we were all too turned on to wait so we began taking our clothes off as soon as I opened the door.

Our clothes littered the hallway all the way to my special room where I closed my door and we got busy until we passed out.

A loud banging pulled me from my sleep, I opened my eyes and quickly shut them again as the brightly lit room nearly blinded me. my head was throbbing now as the banging on my room door continued.

But it finally stilled and I heard talking.

"Just open it, I've been here all night so I already know."

"Lila, I'm sure it's not what you think." My best friend tried to defend, I sat up now and saw that I was in my sex room with two females I didn't know. They were sleeping through all the noise and I knew I had to get them out.

I got up from the bed, pulled a sheet around my waist, since I couldn't find my pants, and opened the door just enough to poke my head up.

"Lila babe, isn't it bad luck for the bride and groom to see each other before the wedding?" I asked sweetly.

Her arms were crossed over her chest and she only sneered at me with intense hatred. "Tell the girls to leave, and then you need to shower and shave, our wedding is fixing to start."

It was all she said and she turned to walk away.

"Lila, I don't know what your tal-"

She turned and gave me a death glare, apparently Lila has a very bad bitchy side.

"Don't treat like I'm dumb Dixon, I was here all night, I heard everything." She admitted, "now tell them to leave before they make us late to our wedding."

The scary thing was her voice was low and calm, but it was her eyes that said everything, they said 'you will pay.'

Then she turned and faced David "This, never Happened."

She looked back at me and shook her head, "I'm going to get ready for our wedding, if you still want to get married you know where to find me."

She left David and I standing dumbfounded in the hall.

"Why the hell didn't you answer your phone?" David asked.

"Dude I don't even know where my pants are not to mention my phone." I said as I opened the door. "I have to get ready, can you take care of this?" I asked and looked back at the passed out girls.

"Hurry up before your fiancée comes back and kills us for making the wedding run late." He said as he walked passed me and into the room.

I had a cold shower and thankfully when I got out David had made some coffee. My other groomsmen arrived an we all began getting ready as they cheerfully talked about the night before.

"Ready?" My friend Kevin asked me.

"I guess so." I said, "oh hey, could you all wear your sunglasses through the ceremony, I don't want to be the only one who does."

The chuckled but it was David who spoke "we're gonna look like the men in black."

"It's an outdoor wedding, it's to be expected." I countered and then we left.

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