The Arrangement_11

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Her full lips met mine, I gaged the intensity completely on her at first. But as our kiss went from peck to French soon we found ourselves in a full on make out session.

It was raw and real and for the first time she seemed to fully open up to me.

She was letting me in, and then she slammed the door in my face by pulling out of the kiss.

"What's wrong?" I asked as I tried to control my breathing.

"I can't." She said

"Why?" I don't know why she all of a sudden had a change of heart but I wasn't feeling it at all, I'm not used to being rejected. Then it hit me, "is it because we're in my parents house?"

"Because I'm a virgin."

Her words sat and marinated in my head as I tried to understand what she was saying.

"Like a virgin, virgin?" I questioned.

She rolled her eyes in frustration. "Yes ok, nobodys ever seen me naked, I've never been touched intimately, and I've most certainly never had sex."

"Well that's great." I admitted. I mean come on, what guy doesn't want a virgin? I could hardly see the harm there, sure she would need to be taught everything sexually but that's a challenge I'm willing to take on.

I dipped back in for another kiss, only she didn't let it get anything further than a few light pecks.

I sighed "what's wrong?"

"I just feel like you want to have sex."

"Yeah, that's what happens when a beautiful girl starts kissing me." I said a little flirtatiously.

She sat up. "We can't do anything."

Now it was my turn to sit up. "Why not?"

"Well for one, were in your mothers home that's completely disrespectful."

I had to agree with that one.

"And I sense there's more." I put in.

"And," she looked down, she was nervous once more. "I'm saving myself for marriage."

And there was the harm in dating a virgin.

I held my face still trying not to show any reaction to her words.

"Are you alright?" She asked.

"Yeah I'm fine." I lied. I liked this girl, she was cool and fun to hangout with, but I'm just not sure how this thing is going to work between us if there's no sex.

I have to come up with a plan, quick!

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