The Arrangement _8

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The house was large but it was warm and well lived in, it was loud so I knew I was about to meet a horde of his family.

I admired the pictures that littered the walls and shelves.

"Hey." I stopped walking causing Dixon to stop as well.

I picked up a picture delicately from one of the shelves.

The picture was old and it showed two sleeping babies.

"Hey," he said with a chuckle as he took the picture into his hands. "That's me."

"And that's me." I pointed to the sleeping baby girl.

Before he could respond we heard footsteps and Dixon put he photo back. I guess this whole arranged marriage was for real.

While I was having fun with Dixon and yes I do like him, I didn't know if I wanted to marry him, to be honest I didn't know if we were even ready to take that step into coupledom by calling him my boyfriend.

"Lila" he said breaking my train of thought. "This is my mother Abby."

"Ma, this is my girlfriend Lila."

Even though I wasn't sure About things between us, Dixon sure was.

Did I just become his girlfriend?

Since dinner was still a way off Dixon showed me around the house a little and introduced me to all the people we passed.

"Are all of these people your family members?" I curiously asked.

"Most o them are some are close family friends but everyone Is always welcomed to my parents house."

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