The Arrangement_28

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I woke up having to go pee really bad.

I went to move but felt an arm over me so I began to freak out, as I slowly turned I saw it was Dixon.

Suddenly all of the images of last night came back and I smiled as I had remembered everything.

Dixon had been loving and gentle and he made sure I was alright the entire time.

I removed his hand then slowly got out of the bed.

My bladder hurt so bad from having to pee so I tried to hurry but my legs were super sore.

After I finished I washed my hands then went back to bed hoping to steal a few more hours of sleep considering

It was Saturday.

I quietly got back into bed and curled into a ball, now that I didn't have to go to the restroom and I was fully aware of my body I knew I was naked and everything was sore.

"What are you doing awake?" Dixon asked, his hair was wild from the night before an he still somehow looked adorable.

"I had to use the restroom." I whispered.

He smiled a sleepy smile at me and then held the blankets up for me to lay in his arms.

But as he lifted the covers up I could see his own naked body.

"Like what you see?" He asked, even half asleep my husband was a flirt.

"It looked bigger last night." I teased.

And he grabbed me around my middle and held me to him, "oh i'll show you big." He growled playfully.

He laid me down and scattered kisses everywhere on my body before laying back down. He spooned me from behind and kissed me on the back of my head.

"How are you feeling?"

"A little sore and stiff but really tired." I confessed.

"Go back to sleep babe, we've only gotten like 3 hours of sleep."

When I woke up once again it was well into the afternoon, I got up, much to Dixon's protest and showered. When I got out I decided to meet up with Elise and Ronnie for coffee, it had been awhile since I had seen them.

"I'm gonna go and check on Dad." Dixon said as he put his watch on.

"Tell him I said hello and that I miss him." I said.

"I'm sure he'll be glad to hear it."

We kissed then went our separate ways.

"...So I had sex with Dixon last night."

"And?" Ronnie asked a little let down. "What about it, is it getting boring, did he try something new that you didn't really like?"

I gave her a questioning look and then she and Elise gave each other curious looks.

"Wait, are you tell us that you had sex with your husband for the FIRST time last night?" Elise asked in total shock.

"I know, it just sort of happened." I admitted.

"Girl, it should've happened the night of your wedding." Ronnie put in with slight humor.

She was right, they both were, I had forgot about that old tradition and the fact that no one (except David) knew about what happened the night before the wedding so no one knew Dixon and I were kind of mad at each other.

"Well after the wedding we were both exhausted and then he had to work and missed our honeymoon. but other than that I guess we both just got caught up with life what with work and his father." I improvise.

"Well was it good, bad?" Ronnie asked.

"Don't ask her that!" Elise chimed in.

We all talked about their sexual encounters and how they measured up to my one experience. From the sounds if their stories mixed with my own memories from the night before, I had actually had an amazing first sex experience and I was extremely glad I had decided to wait.

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