The Arrangement_23

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David and I arrived at Lila's place.

We didn't say anything to each other the entire time but we both knew I had fucked up big time.

My parents spotted me, my mother was near tears at how happy she was and my father was elated with pride.

If they ever found out what had happened only a few moments ago they would be devastated, I had to give it to Lila, knowing her she was only going through with this wedding for our parents.

I respected her for that.

And instantly I felt even more like shit for last night.

"Mom says you need to take your sunglasses off or you'll ruin the wedding pictures." My little brother said.

I shoved him, "tell mom Lila won't mind, plus she already has perfect engagement photos as well as the pictures we took the other day."

Lila's mom had made us take picture with all of the wedding party.

I smiled as I remember how nervous Lila was about me seeing her in her wedding dress before the actual wedding.

Everyone took their seats and soon the music started. Lila's friends began to walk down the "aisle" and I knew Lila would follow.

As she hung onto her fathers arm, Lila was the exact definition of joyous Bride. She smiled a beautiful smile as she looked out at our guests. I saw my mother and hers both dab at their eyes with handkerchiefs.

Her father lifted her veil and kissed her cheek.

I held my hand out like we had practiced but instead of allowing her father to place her hand in mine she took hold of my arm.

I went along with it, had she messed up, had it been on purpose, if so what purpose did this serve?

The guy started talking and I chanced talking to her knowing she wouldn't cause a scene.

"Are you okay?"

"How do you think I'm doing?" She growled under her breath.

I sighed "Lila I'm sorry."

She turned and smiled at me, "oh your gonna be."

"What is that suppose to mean?"

"It means your going to wish you never messed with me." She said.

Then we turned to face and we recited the vows.

She went first, reciting her lines perfectly, then it was my turn.

I lifted my sunglasses, I cleared my throat and repeated the guy:

"I, Dixon, take you, Lilliana, to be my lawfully wedded wife. To have and to hold, from this day forward. For better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, forsaking all others, until death do us part."

Never had I ever felt the full weight of a promise like I did now.

Forsaking All Others, I had already broken that vow.

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