The Arrangement_26

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"I'm not ready to go back yet." Elise pouted as she propped herself up on her elbows.

After being here on the beautiful island of Jamaica, Elise had a perfect bronze tan but she still wanted to soak up as much "tropical" sun as she could. I didn't complain I love being here, on this beach, away from everything.

I had given Dixon's words a lot of thought and I finally decided that there would have been no point in the entire wedding if we didn't actually give this marriage a shot.

I wasn't forgiving him, and lord knows I'll never forget it. But I am choosing to try and move forward from it.

Once upon a time Dixon and I seemed like we could've been a happy semi-normal couple, maybe we still could be if we really worked at it.

When we landed back in Dallas Dixon was right there waiting for us, a pretty bouquet of flowers in hand.

"Aww, looks like somebody missed you." Elise cooed.

I had to admit, it felt good seeing him after being away for a week.

I walked into Dixon's arms and he hugged me tight. "Hi" he said a little goofy.

"Hi." I smiled up at him.

"I missed you." He said, I didn't know if he meant it or was putting on a show for Elise.

"Did you?" I asked.

Then he smirked that crooked little smirk of his, I hadn't seen his smirk since before the wedding and I unthinkingly reached up and caressed his face. He closed his eyes as my hand touched his cheek.

When I removed my hand we offered Elise a ride home but she ardently refused and insisted on taking a cab.

When we got into Dixon's car he drove off and he grabbed my hand.

"Elise is gone you can stop acting now."

He removed his hand slowly from mine, "I wasn't acting." He said a little hurt.

We drove in silence the rest of the way, we passed his apartment and for a minute I thought he was going toward our parents houses but then I remembered we have house.

I smiled as we walked in, this was the first time I was seeing it all fixed up with the furniture we had picked out together.

"I'm not sure how you wanted everything but if you don't like something just tell me and I can fix it."

I walked passed him and saw some of our pictures on the mantle. I stroked one of the engagement photos lovingly, I remembered how happy I was when we took these pictures.

Dixon had of course, complained about having to wear matching outfits. So I picked a simple outfit of blue jeans and white tops.

I looked around the rest of the room, to a stranger they would think a loving young couple lived here, and maybe we could be that couple.

"Dixon," I said as I turned to look at him. He took. Seat on the sofa so I followed his action.

"Look, I know it's not going to be easy but I do want us to really try with this marriage. If we don't just move on from that whole incident then we'll always fight about it so from now on, fresh start."

"Are you sure?" He asked.

"I want this Dixon. I like you a lot, hell I even went through with the wedding because there's a small part of me that kind of does want us to work." I admitted as I began to feel a lump forming in my throat. Then I let my hands lace with his. "But don't think I won't file for divorce."

I knew my last words had really stuck out to him, Dixon never once asked for a prenup so if we got a divorce I would get half of all of his stuff as well as alimony.

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