You're not Intelligent Just Because you Wear Glasses

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The shower had only been on for about fifteen minutes before I heard it shut off and saw her walk out fully clothed and without make-up.

"Oh, you made coffee. Thank you." She mumbled and padded towards the machine. I used my obvious change in attention from my coffee to her as a reason to ask what I had been musing over.

"Are you sure you're alright with us having this sort of relationship? You have difficulty even looking at me when we talk and you don't even like being physically attracted to me."

"True, but it is a start that we have chemistry. I just need to get past my social issues. In all honesty, I'm worried this will just end the way things with Chase ended." I didn't pass up my chance to mention.

"Speaking of past mistakes...what happened with you and him? I think it'll help to know seeing as we're going to test out a relationship of our own. It's not like I want to do the same thing he did and I know the rumor is bullshit; most are."

She stayed standing, her face complacent and her eyes went from the direction of her room to me. After adding some creamer and sugar to her coffee and her being pensive for a few more minutes, Eve shrugged.

"Follow me." She muttered, lightly sipping from her mug and starting back towards her room.

The door closed behind me and I took a spot on her bed again as she again made no move to sit near me.

"Since people aren't normally so insistent on getting the truth out of me, I'll tell you. Chase and I didn't break up for the reason stated in rumor. We broke up because he didn't want to have sex with a virgin. It freaked him out and he didn't think that a girl with a status like mine would one."

So, I had been right about her odd behavior when we just so happened to touch being because she was a virgin. This meant things were going to be even more complicated than I thought they'd be.

"Why didn't you leak this to the rest of the school when you had the chance?"

"When you considered that I might have never slept with a man, did you believe it? I'm doubtful. You didn't believe it because I used to be the most popular girl in high school and that, what takes work? Hardly, you just have to know and get along with people...and date a guy that is most wanted and practically untouchable because he's so shallow rather than because he's "just soooo like totally hott'." Eve cleared her throat and looked over at me.

"Sorry, my Valley girl is a little rusty."

"You know he feels guilty every time he sees you and you like watching him wallow in his own self pity and regret." I stated in a slightly accusing tone.

"Self pity is disgusting and regret is a choice. Both are unattractive in a guy that so boldly started all of this bullshit. I love him but that doesn't mean that I have any respect for him."

"Why do you love him?"

"Because when he wasn't looking after his image and all that other crap, he was interesting and he could read me so well because we weren't all that different."

"But..." I egged on.

"But his insecurity got the better of him along with his pride...and it's hard to get laid when you're freaked out about how your girlfriend is going to be after you take her V-card." The last words were unexpectedly acidic, even to her it seemed. Once again I found her eyeing me uneasily because of me being the one to bring out her more natural side.

"Most people in love tend to defend their person of interest."

"Yeah, well those people need a Spartan kick to the face."

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