[Bonus Chapter] I Treat Every Meeting like a Job Interview

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I wrote this for those of you curious about the involvement between Philip Gane and Lochellen Trotter (you won't be missing anything with Abel and Evie by not reading this). At first, I wasn't going to write about them at all and then I realized how much fun it would be and came up with this chapter. If you like it and wish to see more, let me know. Since they aren't the main characters of this romcom tale...their relationship will not show itself much in the actual story and it will seem as though they progress faster when really this chapter has a wider time gap midway. :) enjoy~<3




I sat on a bench outside of the café waiting for my date, wondering why I had agreed to it. Evelyn had gotten better at dealing with me and provided a decent argument and I'd eventually caved in and suggested the meeting place.

"She mentioned that she would like to meet you someday and so I figured that you could take her on a date. I can't very well just waltz into your work with her and introduce you. She'd ask questions that I can't answer without risk of her finding out who I am. Loch reads my work, you see." And that had been the end of it.

That conversation had gone on a week ago.

Since she was a friend of Evelyn's I'd guessed she'd be on the younger side and recommended the date be at an aquarium. I trusted her enough to not set me up with a minor and she told me that she was Scottish, giving me basic features to look for.

Sipping on my latte, I felt the proof of summer's leave lick at my face as I surveyed the area. It was still early so I wasn't expecting to see her just yet, which allowed me to prepare for the day. I had even been able to enjoy and finish a cigarette on the walk here from the parking lot.

That was until I saw a girl fitting Lochellen's description walk into view. She had a confident stride, fitted jeans, and dark hair so long it made her hard to miss. Her gaze was searching and I stood, hoping the movement would make me detectable.

"Philip Gane I presume." At close range, I noticed she wasn't too much shorter than me and she wore light makeup. Her eyes were a mixture of gray, green, and brown; hazel and her confidence radiated from them. The accent in her voice assured her identity.

"Lochellen Trotter." I nodded, extending my free hand. She accepted and gave a semi-firm shake. It said business casual.

Was she really in high school?

"Loch is just fine. I hope you didn't wait long. I left early and got a ride most of the way here but got a bit lost." She asked, glancing at her watch. I noticed her lack of coat. Was she going to be warm enough in a sleeveless top?

"Not at all. In fact, you're right on time." I smiled.

"Good." Lochellen returned the expression before noticing the drink in my hand.

"I'm going to need one of those."

"Leave without your day starter?" Her nod had a small laugh attached to it.

"I had it prepared too aside from pressing the button. All because I got lost in the homework I was starting. Thankfully, I was able to scrounge up some breakfast."

She ordered her drink of choice and I guided her to a seat by a window. From her reaction, she had an interest in the topic and a strong desire to buy smaller things herself.

"What class?"

"Math and then a bit of Latin." My eyes widened a fraction but she just giggled and shrugged.

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