He has Seen me do Horribly Human Things

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We were standing before a mural that covered the whole side of a building. Colors bordering on the psychedelic swathed around and formed the background and characters that were animated even as stills.

The only bad thing about it was that it was level with the parking lot so when anyone parked near the wall, it covered up part of the image, and I considered every part of it vital.

"Why are we here?" His words barely registered in my mind as my fingers brushed the concrete canvas, eyes closed.

"I think I already talked about this. I got bored and you believed me when I said I was going to bang a stranger while intoxicated and flash a cop."

"Do you still have material?"

"I did until I spent half the night typing. My fingers still feel the buttons under them." I giggled as I wiggled them about.

"Why would you do that? It's not like you're going to forget because of sleep."

"Shhhh. I'm doing my thing." The words came out barely a whisper as I inhaled and opened them again, glancing around. This was always my favorite part. For some reason, whenever I had something that just required a minuscule push.

This was already one of the most wonderful things in my life to see and today was the first time someone like Abel was around. An ornate garden bloomed up all over the parking lot.

What to do with this scenery?

'He's like a muse.'

"No, but I usually can't sleep until I've quenched my craving for getting as much as possible onto that paper. I wish you could see this. It's different every time." I virtually swooned before turning my eyes on him. I could only imagine what I looked like to him or any other witness to this.

Abel was smiling back at me, and I blushed when I noticed the innuendo. He wasn't saying anything and that wasn't a pervy grin so maybe he didn't catch it.

"What's it like?"

"There's no real way for me to show you or actually explain it. It all depends on what I need rather than what I want. I never predict what I see."

"Nell messaged me." I cringed. Way to ruin a good mood, Abel.

"How'd she get your number?"

"I have no idea, but there's a...party tomorrow. You want to go?" Ew, that word was so gross when Nell was involved. He must have seen my face because he recanted.

"We could wait until the next one?"

"That works a lot better with my comfort zone...you know, if partying was in my comfort zone anymore in the first place," I muttered.

"You worried about that whole drug thing?"

"Nell is clever but she is also on the slightly predictable side and for acts like this roofing is usually her method."

"You really think she'd do that?"

"Given the chance to? Undoubtedly."

"Why do people go at all?"

"Who know? Free booze, a place that isn't theirs to trash, they're horny, do drugs...reasons are nearly endless. Hillsoft only does that to the ones that have wronged her in some way."

"Have you wronged her?"

"Several times over in her mind thanks to you. I've stood up to her and she thinks that I stole you away from her in some deranged way."

"Didn't you?" He winked as we turned to continue our way...somewhere. Where did I want to go?

"You were a surprise; an unconquerable task thrust upon me...at first."

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