An Epilogue of Sorts

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Told by Abel Gane

Chase and Nell stayed together while Nell got more therapy. Instead of going to juvenile hall, she was kept under house arrest at Chase's rather than her parent's house, where she eventually told her therapist of the physical and mental abuse her mother had put her through for years and of the sexual abuse her biological father subjected her to.

She has begun allowing Chase to help her cope while residing with him.

Eventually, she went back to school and achieved her diploma while Chase decided to pursue psychology to better understand her and learn how to help her cope.

Not even Nell deserved to blame herself for what happened to her.

During the months before her confession of her identity, Evelyn Vontassel had finished and published the last books of both her 'Nerium' and 'Rivka Mentel' series. Not only that but she had gained a habit of periodically avoiding me when we weren't having sex.

There were few times when she would willingly instigate communication with me that didn't involve us making a 'play date'. One of those instances was when she had explained to me why she had done what she did.

"I was curious, bored, and tired. Curious to see how this truth would affect both my life and my inspiration, tired of Chase and Nell getting away with their own lies, and bored with them as well. There was definitely a vindictive part of me that reveled in the paling of their faces and the legal actions that soon followed afterward." Nell and those that she had manipulated in the student body were either questioned and/or arrested depending on what they had done." Watching Chase throw a tantrum in the middle of the lunch room was probably the first time I had ever seen him so honest in front of everyone."

I had plenty of time to pace pensively around the house as she had a penchant for doing, the center of my contemplation being my relationship and feelings for her. Eventually, I had accepted that I was in love with her and had likely been for longer than I was comfortable mentioning. On multiple occasions, I had sensed that my feelings were mutual, but they were never confirmed.

That is, until one day when she stepped passed me into my house and hugged me, with no apparent intention of sleeping with me.

"Please tell me you've made coffee." She started, looking more nervous than I had ever seen her since I had known her.

"Uh, yeah." I was used to her suddenly popping up and found that I savored every moment she spent in my abode.

Evelyn rushed off and soon came back, holding a mug of coffee to her lips.

"I can't do this anymore...this...this running away thing. I give up. I'm now more tired of running away from this than I am afraid of you rejecting me." I raised my brows to her and sat down near her, gently grasping her legs so they were resting on mine.

"Oh?" My attempt at playing dumb was pathetic but she pressed on.

"I'm in love with you...and have been since before that night on winter vacation where I jumped you because I didn't want to think about Nell being a human with feelings. I thought that if I just distanced myself from you and only visited for rolls in the hay, I could just...sleep it off, so to speak. It completely backfired and so here I am."

I forgot how fast she could talk when she was anxious.

"If I were to tell you that I felt the same way about you...would you stop this 'fuck and run' nonsense?"

"Is that your way of saying that you-"

"Yes! I'm in love with you too, okay? I was this close to cuffing you to my bed for an extra hour just so I could talk to you without having to worry about you escaping like every other night. "

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