Talking Loudly Doesn't Make What you Have to say More Important

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                By the time winter vacation was over, I was almost completely done with Hemlock and Aconite. I was also enjoying the sex and food part of this relationship way too much but did my best to not leave the bed before Abel awoke. I was right about him being able to get me out of my clothes too easily but was quick to accept it since the morning sex was amazing.

"Did you know that women are more sexually active in the morning than any other time of the day?"

"Yes." He grinned into my shoulder.

"We have to go back to school tomorrow..." I huffed and he sighed and just pulled me closer to him.

"We could just spend today in bed," He suggested before groping one of my breasts. I could only laugh.

"You know I can't do that. Some of my time must be dedicated to my writing."

'I don't mind if you want to get laid. Just keep it down, will you? Some of us are trying to sleep.' Rivka threw in and I rolled my eyes at her and turned to face him.

"Good morning." It was all I could really muster in greeting.

"Whose turn is it to make coffee?" Plus that, can't forget that.

"Yours. Give me a better reason why we can't stay in bed all day." This caused me to think for a beat or two.

"Because neither of us wants me to go home smelling like sex."

"That is much more important."

"To you. I don't like neglecting my characters." Escaping from his grasp, I sat up and let my feet touch the floor as I went in search of clothing.

"Does this mean you're making coffee?"

"Yes, Abel. I'm making coffee. No one said you needed to get up just yet." I barely heard my own voice at this point because as incredible as sex was, my need to give Royal my attention would forever be stronger.

It wasn't an easy thing to explain to anyone and telling Abel would probably bruise his ego to its bone marrow because he wouldn't be able to understand it; no one would. They would just say something like 'If you consider something better than sex then you haven't had good enough sex'.

I could feel myself sink into the comforting familiarity of my other world even as my fingers merely skimmed against the circular keys, my face sliding into a peaceful smile. Royal was a shockingly warm inanimate object and before I knew it I was swept away by them. Scenes and dialogue coursing from my fingertips as if made from the letters they dispelled.

This was something I had been doing daily for the majority of my winter vacation and I typed and typed until I could feel the skin of my fingertips learning how to cry and threatening to do so.

Today was different somehow and I couldn't figure out what it was...

Until I typed the last words of the next chapter.

There was something about the end of a chapter that always managed to hurt me a little but today it gave me a revelation. Abel and I were living in a bubble since we started having sex and I ended up letting myself drift into a pretty little pretend world was more than it really was.

I had done this before with Chase...minus the sex.

Sure Abel said he was interested in having a relationship with me but what guy was really interested in that if they didn't need to be in one to get the sex that was usually their goal in the first place?

I wasn't stupid enough to wholeheartedly believe he was different...but there was that very human part of me that had that hope.

It was sickening really; nearly insane.

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