And Then I Spiked it With Razorblades

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Evelyn had agreed to let me pick her up for school, but I didn't expect her to still be asleep when I got there. Her mom had even left the door unlocked that morning, so I inhaled and exhaled slowly and stepped into the room. There was a note on the microwave from her mom saying 'If you wake up early enough to have coffee just press the button.' I yawned and hoped there'd be enough for two as I pressed the tiny circular button.

She and her mom kept in touch through sticky notes on their microwave, fridge, and bathroom windows. It was something.

"Eve? You awake?" I asked through the door before knocking.

"I'm coming in." I warned and twisted the knob, letting myself into the room. What I saw made me speechless. Evelyn hadn't been lying about the transparent white nightgown in her wardrobe, but I hadn't expected her to be wearing it from her spot curled up in the center of her bed, blankets having been kicked away in her sleep. Her hair was rather messy but I didn't see the harm in her going to school looking like she'd just had the night of her life. It made her skin look darker and I couldn't help but smirk at the sight of her unlikely white ruffled boy shorts.

"Evelyn VonTassel, you're going to be late for school."

"Is coffee ready?"

"I'm not sure about that, are you really sure you want to go to school in that?" At once, her eyes fluttered open and landed on me. Her groggy smile threw me off as she sat up.

"Thanks for tapping the button." She said as she yawned and stretched out her arms, giving me a great view of her breasts, barely covered by the thicker bits of fabric decorating the cups; I nearly groaned at the sight.

"I'm never picking you up for school again if all you'll do is tease me." I tore my eyes away from the image before me and left to check on the coffee.

"I'm not going to school!" I heard her echo from her room, and it almost jolted me enough to spill the coffee I was making.

"Coffee's ready," I replied, ignoring her protest. She came out rubbing the sleep out of her eyes, barefoot, and hair still a mess. It was probably the time when I felt closest to a woman, but that was only if she let me see her at such a point in her morning. It was rare if a woman I spent the night with wasn't awake before me, already painted up and hair done just so. Hell, it was rare if I woke up with them still there but that was only when we went to a hotel.

The 'gown' went to mid thigh so I doubt I can call it that but with the way she looked right now I wanted to throw her over my shoulder and lock us in her room for as long as I could have her.

Evelyn mumbled something that sounded like thank you and started adding different flavored creamers and sugars. The weirdest part was those damn boy shorts. Didn't women usually wear thongs with those?

I deleted that thought from my mind immediately and instead made my own cup and sat down across from her so I could keep my eye on the clock her microwave provided.

"Does sleeping in negligee like that help you?"

She nodded, taking a large gulp from her mug.

"Would sleep in a thong; can't. Not comfortable. You made it strong. That's good. Need that today." Her eyes were almost closed as she spoke in shorthand, and I held in a chuckle.

"You're not a morning person, are you?"

"It's later than my usual time of awakening. Throws me off." Her hand moved to the seat next to her and grasped something.

It was a light blue hairbrush.

"You keep a hairbrush in the kitchen?"

"I'm not going to school today. You can't distract me or make me." Her words were starting to sound clearer and as I watched her I found that I had never touched her hair before.

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