I Demand Reason and you go and Make me Feel like a Voyeur

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I pursed my lips and looked away, choosing to avert my attention from him and to the entry way of the library. Was he followed this time?

"So I finally get my answer to that question. Shall I test your boundaries?"

"Shush, Abel. Do you have any idea what you were thinking coming here? If I get seen with you by anybody, word will spread all over this school faster than anthrax that I seduced you or something. Regardless of what they say...it'll put me back under the spotlight."

"Relax, Evie. I covered my tracks."

"Yeah, with pheromones." I grumbled and then suddenly remembered my cell phone and the text I'd gotten that night from Chase. Feeling myself cringe, I dug it out and read what he had to say.

What the Fuck was his car doing in your driveway last night?!

A surge of anger vibrated through my body until I took a deep breath.

What the fuck are you doing getting into my business after we've long since broken up? That should stun him speechless for awhile and actually grinned at my own boldness. I never cussed at Chase while we were together, no, thanks to my idea of how a popular girl was with the popular guy...cussing was simply out of the question.

"What's up?" Abel asked, glancing over at my shoulder. My fuming must have attracted his attention.

"Just shutting up a nosy bastard." I mumbled and glared once more at Abel.

"Seriously, though, what if someone followed you in here?"

"What are you so worried about?"

"You won't feel like shit for being followed here until you see how they treat me when they can see me." My voice was quiet and I shied away from him once more. He visibly relaxed and lowered his head towards mine again, searching out my face.

"What did they do to you, Eve?" His voice was gentle and his eyes concerned. I almost answered him but I instinctively dropped to the floor and crawled like a baby behind not one but two bookshelves. My ears had heard the tapping of familiar fuck me pumps and I didn't even chance a glance at her before hiding.

"Abel!" Bile rose in my throat at the sound of his name being said with her chirpy voice.

"Hey, Nell. Um, what are you doing here?"

"I saw you in here, duh. Chase is mad at me but he forgave me because he loves me." She giggled and I stifled a gag.

"He told me to warn you about the ghost that owns the library." Oh, another one of his stories or was it a dual collaboration this time?

"That so?" He inquired and I heard her squeak and peaked around the shelf. Abel had backed her into a table but his eyes were curious.

"Yeah, you weren't here before all the nasty shit went down and I had completely forgotten that you weren't filled in until Chase came in and told me. I'm glad I'm not too late to let you know. Her name is Evelyn VonTassel and she acts all candid and shit but she's a scheming liar that hides here like a witch in her house made of candy. She'll reel you in, get what she wants from you and-"

My face flushed again when I saw and felt how the room changed. He moved closer to her and smiled gently down at her with one of his fingers shushing her. Nell was watching him with nearly angered wide eyes and I marveled at how easily she had let him take control. The air in the room was so unnaturally sensuous and the table she was up against turned into a bed.

He leaned down and kissed her slowly and I grew confused. What was he doing to her in the library of all places? My sight caught the movement of his fingers, the one's I seemed to still be so fascinated with and my breath hitched when he slid his hand from her lips down to her neck. Every one of his movements was deliberate and Hillsoft wasn't talking, which made what was going on all the more captivating.

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