You have Unlikely Taste

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~Evelyn~Two Months Later~

I tossed and turned unable to get comfortable until a familiar hand slid its way up and down my back in a calming motion. Swiveling my head in the direction, I saw Abel lying on his side, smiling lopsidedly up at me.

Were we naked? I looked down at myself. Why were we naked?

"Hey, is everything alright?" His body scooted closer.

"Yeah." I put up no resistance to the feeling of him tugging me down to envelope me in his arms. A sensation of heat pooling between my legs from contact with my back and his bare chest startled me and I squirmed a little.

Abel lapped and sucked playfully on the lobe of my ear while both of his hands moved from their hold. One went up to caress my breast and his other drifted south to meddle with the source of my arousal.

"Has it already gotten like this, Evie?" He kissed my shoulder and sped up his ministrations. My hands seemed to hold his in place rather than attempt their removal as my body greedily absorbed his attention; taking them in only to elicit corresponding sounds of pleasure.

Most of all of this was familiar but a good bit of it was foreign.

The trailed kisses up my neck were not, but soon he hovered over me.

"Evelyn...let me love you more." Another nip at my ear, moving down my neck. His hands practically suffocating me in breathless sensation.

"Evelyn, rise and shine." The sound of a door opening and closing could just barely be heard.

What? There's another one?

My eyes shot open and I found myself encased in a dome of my blanket, my body hot and demanding gratification.

It didn't help that the star of my amorous encounter was in my room. Hunger raised its head once I heard something about hash browns.

'Abel, if that's true. I might just love you.' I thought as I stretched my arms to test the outer temperature.


How come she slept in so easily when she knew I was picking her up the next morning? This was something I had recently started to wonder when I walked into her house and heard nothing.

Was her father still asleep? I knew that Collette had unlocked the front door before leaving, but had Raymond been able to go back to sleep with the knowledge of the front door being unlocked?

I took my chances as I ventured up the steps and started up the coffee. Maybe I could make her something quick for breakfast. Was she okay with buttered toast and jam on top? Checking the fridge, I saw a container of hash browns and chose to microwave them before waking her.

With a timid lean into the hallway to check for signs of her father being awake, I saw no light on in his room and figured he was still out cold.

"Evelyn, rise and shine." I knocked as a precaution before entering her room, closing the door as silently as possible behind me.

The lump under the bed stirred a little but made no other moves.

"Evelyn, I even made a bit of breakfast for you. Leftover hash browns and toast with jam, but it's something and should taste pretty good with coffee."

Arms appeared out from under the comforter and a head and body slowly followed.

She grumbled but said nothing and I smiled before noticing the sheer dark purple fabric ensconcing her back and pooling around her spot seated upright on the bed, solid silk triangles barely covering her breasts with a dark ribbon I recognized as what adjusted the modesty level of the scant lingerie piece. She wore silk shorts with them.

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