Chapter 3- Majestic - 12

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Virginia State, Arlington County, Pentagon, Underground level

25 January 2011, 10.30 a.m.

'George! Is the report ready yet?' Professor Robert asked.

'Immediately, sir, I only need to run a control measurement,' George answered in a rush, although already knowing that he had missed the deadline.

'Hurry up, please! Because Defence Minister Parella will be here immediately, and I do not want to disappoint him,' he said, petulantly.

'Yes, sir. I'm almost ready,' George answered, while he was rolling back with his chair to pick the printed results of the control measurement.

George was still a freshman at Pentagon, but he graduated from the university with perfect results. His discoveries shocked the secret services so much that they felt it was better to employ the young researcher before he would publicise the things they had been trying to negate and hide for decades. At first, George had been dubious, but he immediately became enthusiastic when he got to know that he would have to work for the Pentagon, and inside it he could be the member of the Majestic-12 researcher group. It was true that he had to work underground in a windowless room, and he had secrecy obligations, but in the long term it was worth it. Moreover, he knew it very well that since the 1947 Roswell events, the members of the Majestic-12 group had been commissioned to take care of the institutional relationship with the extraterrestrials.

Previously, George tried to make the necessary equipment for his reseaches from his own money. Here at the Pentagon, the Army had provided everything in need for the researches. He got anything he was in need of if it helped him to obtain the required result. His colleagues found him strange and obsessed, but he didn't care. As he was seen-through, thanks to his eccentric outlook and behaviour, he could keep on doing his own researches. Without being suspected, he had made an own team, which kept tabs on the radio stations of the Army and was in conncetion with other amateur UFO researchers.

'Come on, George! There's no time to play!' Professor Robert shouted.

'Yes, sir. I'm there straightaway. You won't believe, but it has happened! The test has confirmed it again. It could be felt at several points, so it's quite possible that they are more, but in constant movement. It cannot be seen by the simple radars. Probably, they apply some kind of camouflage technique,' George answered excitedly, and at the same time he tried to keep steps with the professor, who had left in a rush down the winding corridor to reach the tank room, maintained for the defence Minister.

'All right, but wait for the Defence Minister with your report,' the Professor calmed George.

Tank Room

'Welcome, Mr Defence Minister!' Professor Robert greeted.

'Good day, Professor!' the Minister answered.

The room was simple but it carried prestige. The oval, a cherry-coloured table in the middle of the room, was surrounded by twelve chairs. At the end, a screen was hung; next to it, a washable board stood. Above the table, a middle-sized projector was hung. The delegation was already waiting in the room. In front of each person there was a pen and a notebook. In the middle of the table, refreshments and glasses were put. The defence Minister was visibly excited, although he was trying to hide it.

'I hope you have some good news for us, sirs!' Minister Parrela said with a nervous smile. 'There has been too much money invested in you. It's time to come up with something.'

'Yes, Mr Minister, we are about to start. You won't be disappointed,' the professor answered in a puzzled way, and in the meantime, he turned to George. 'You can start!'

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