Chapter 20 - Through Fire and Water

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While our enlarged team was trying to get back to the fallen airplane in Ireland, besides Pentagon, the Russians also appeared on the island. Just like the Americans, they wanted us for themselves. There was one thing in common between the plans of the two countries. They all regarded us as weapons, and they were aimed to use me in a possible war against my will. The way from Mexico to Ireland took us half an hour, though the extraterrestrial plane was probably capable of higher speeds as well. However, it did not intend to call the attention to itself. When we fell, it was late at at night. We were not able to see anything of the environment, where Asamnek and Araban had hid the plane. The men of the Intelligent Service were teeming everywhere; there was no road section without control. Since they were familiar with the co-ordinates, we easily found our way back. We flew very close to the surface of the ocean, while the plane stirred up the water so much that it rose up on two sides forming a water curtain. We got some visitors in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. A group of dolphins joined us, and they practically competed swimming with the plane. Once under us, once beside us, slaloming here and there, they cleaved the water. Their bodies hardly moved; it did not cause any difficulty for them to keep pace with us. At times, they sprang out of the water, welcoming us in their beeping voice. Vicky, Chatrin, and me stuck on the glass wall, and we admired them from there. I was also glad to see the gorgeous creatures again, about which I had already known where they were from, and why they search for the Man's company.

According to the plan, after repairing the plane, we were going to leave the planet, not even looking back, and until then all our plans had come off well, though in the meantime, there had been some modifications. Unfortunately, there are always some external circumstances that make us improvise. So that happened when we arrived at the fallen plane. It was already getting dark, but as far as we could see, we had managed to land at a place far from populated areas. Maximum two farms were in the neighbourhood, so they did not mean danger to us, at least, that was what I had thought.

'Get ready for landing,' Rovodan said, and we felt the plane was descending slowly towards the ground.

'Landing completed,' the co-pilot said. 'The gate is open.'

We all stood up, and stepped to the opening gate; then when it was completely open, stepping out of it we straight ran towards the hidden aircraft. We saw no signs of the plane being found by anone. It had not been tampered; we found everything the way we had left it there. Because of the darkness, Asamnek and Araban placed illuminating crystals around the plane, which gave light only inside, towards the jet. Rovodan was trying to help, and the three scientists were just staring, when they bumped into the disguised plane. I and Vicky stayed near the craft; I did not want to disturb them, and anyway, they knew better what to do. I did not intend to be good at everything. It was far enough for me to acquire the knowledge of how to control my emerging abilities and prepare myself for the tasks I needed to face.

I saw from the distance, how much they focused, when I spotted a shimmering light from the direction of one of the remote farms. The light was coming closer and closer, while getting more and more intensive. I made a few steps towards the light, when I stepped on some weird, soft matter. First I thought I had stepped into cow manure; after all, farmers lived in the neighbourhood, and they must have herded their animals out there. I raised my foot, and I wanted to wipe off that disgusting gunk, when I realised the matter was slightly phosphorescing.

'What the hell is this?' I asked, but it was rather just me hearing it, as the others were fully occupied. As there were more and more phosphorescing parts visible, I boded ill. 'Asamnek!' I yelled, and began to back away.

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