Chapter 21 - The Eye of Darkness

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After the combat, all the survivors were radiated onto the intact planes. They launched the next leap one after the other, and everyone was focusing on the journey home. We felt safe, as we defeated a powerful formation of mercenaries, which had taken its tolls easily. We would not have expected anything to be around us, therefore no one thought of looking behind us or spying in the embracing dark space. This was a fatal mistake.

While we continued our way towards the ancient planet, obeying the command of Prodak, the ruler of the Tall Grey spies lurked everywhere. Prodak felt something was not OK on Nibiru, and that the opportunity was near to conquer them, what is more, to destroy the enemy hatred and envied for several thousand years. After Chief Counsellors Neituri and Borat returned to Betelgeuz, and reported what they had experienced and suspected on Nibiru, Lord Prodak summoned his allies, proved to be efficient, considering that he boasted of well-trained warriors. For the call of Lord Prodak every species appeared that opposed the Annunakis' knowledge and power.

At that time we did not know yet, what they were plotting against us, and we were not aware, either, that they had sent their spies as far as Earth. They came sneaking after Rovodan and Porsagus. Lurking, waiting all along. They did not want, either to intervene or reveal themselves, they were present only as observers. They had only one mission, to find out what the Annunakis had been hiding, or planning, for which they had come so far away from their home. No one suspected anything about the spies, so everything that happened they witnessed, too. They had been with us since the leap, and they watched the space combat as well. They remained disguised far away from the fight, and they observed every tiny detail, of which they took video recordings.

They saw the Draconidas attacking us, as they were tearing our planes into pieces, and they also saw the sharp light energy ball, and the destructive force breaking out of one of the Annunaki reconnaitrer plane. They saw the help arriving, that we defeated the Draconidas, and they probably saw Asamnek jumping out of the plane to risk his life for someone. The spies did not move until the last plane disappeared in the hyperspace.

'Interesting, very interesting.' Chief Counsellor Borat said quietly, who by all means wanted to be on the plane, and know first hand what the Annunakis were hiding. 'This is something Lord Prodak will be surely interested in.'

The Betelgeuz plane slowly became visible again, and they wanted to get home as soon as possible to report in time what they had learnt.

'Start the engines,' Borat told the pilot.

'Engines started,' the pilot replied dutifully.

'Get ready to leap,' he issued the command, then he started the spaceship with the control panels near his hand.

Borat's plane shot off with a great force, and they tried to avoid to be visible when we arrived. As soon as they finished the leap, they switched into disguise mode again. The Betelgeuze from Orion was already visible, so as they got closer, they could be seen again. The red planet was not so red any more. Since the Grey had extensively destroyed the planet, they had a good reason to move somewhere else as soon as possible. They would have been glad to get Nibiru, but since the plane would not get into symbiosis with them, it was impossible for them to live there. Therefore they intended to destroy Nibiru, just like the planets they had occupied and destroyed earlier.

Borat, nearing Betelgeuz, handed the control over to the base, and let his plane to be docked. Bora was excited, and he absorbed all the information that had been recorded in a transparent panel. He could not wait for the aircraft to be set and fixed, and when the door of the spaceship opened at last, he jumped out with his long legs, then hurried towards the great hall, where Lord Prodak had been waiting for him. He leapt greatly, but he found it slow, so he made the remaining distance running. The great hall was located far from the docking module, but Borat ran and was able to reach it, and as he had done it before without checking in he trotted in. When he reached the entrance, the metal coloured door splitted into two in zigzag.

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